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6 mo. post op vist with Surgeon today!

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Hi Friends! It has been a long time since I've posted much of anything. I thought I would give a little update! I am now 6/12 months out and have lost a total of 60lbs. I know this isn't as much as some have lost at this point, but everyone loses at different rates. The point is that I am continuing to lose the weight. I have been stalled at 165 lbs now for 2 months, which I find frustrating, but the surgeon stated he is still happy with my progress. The dietitian also met with me and we talked about trying other protein shakes or drinks than I have been using and trying to change things up a bit. (I am a creature of habit) and eat and drink the same things all the time. I also need to kick my exercise routine up some. Spring is coming though, and I have always loved being outside on my bike, or playing softball.. so I know that will help!
At any rate.. I am so greatful for my sleeve as it has truely changed my life for the better.. My diabetes is gone!! My blood pressure is better, but still too high, and my cholesteral is a lot lower! I have a lot more energy and I feel pretty darned great most of the time!!!
That's about all I have to say for now.. so I will sign off by saying.. IT is Awesome to be a Sleever!!

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  1. Feather370's Avatar
    COngrats on the 60 lbs. Everyone loses in their own time but you are doing great!!!!!