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  1. Get lost!
  2. We leave Sunday! The packing has begun. Today we will practice getting into our sleeping bags with liners. And go to the bank, as they said to use only cash (US dollars) in Tanzania. Which means we will be carrying quite a bit of cash around our neck (makes me a little nervous) not only for expenses but tips for all the porters on the climb and safari guides. Supposedly our credit cards don't work there. It will be a busy week.
  3. Yep it's the Freestyle program. Love it! Basically how we are to eat. They have a points system for many foods, but things like lean protein (eggs, fish, chicken, beans) fruits and veggies are all 0 points. So you use you points for carbs, nuts, or something like that. I think I get 23 points a day. Sometimes I don't even use them all because we basically eat chicken and fish with veggies. And now that I've stopped drinking I don't have to count those points! The app is cool as it's basically tracking for dummies. No work at all. You can even take a photo of a bar code on any packaged product and it gives you the points. Like for lunch I had one of those little tuna salad packs with crackers, did the bar code, 3 points. My protein drinks are 2.

    They should be able to find you in their system. I was a lifetime member in another state back in the early 90's when no one used computers, and they found me. I would call them and have them find you! Then it's free.

    Good luck!
  4. View Conversation
    Bonjour Simonne,
    you are so nice!!
    I'm currently finishing a paper and have a deadline but will look into it tonight or tomorrow!
    take care!
  5. View Conversation
    Hey Simonne,

    Right now I'm in France so my insurance will only cover surgery in France. If we get a job overseas in September, our insurance will cover us in the next country (and even a few countries around, depends on the medical situation where we are). But they wouldn't cover me in Taiwan since we left the job in 2017 and are back in Paris since. Unless we go back to Asia for the new job, but I don't think so.

    Anyway...at that point, I'm looking at all my options, and hubby thinks I should take a one year leave from work (when my medical leave is finished in August) and just deal with my health so he would be the only one working overseas from September, I would have time to travel and get my surgery from Taiwan if needed (if I can't find someone skilled in Paris).
    The stomach repair after a sleeve is a complicated surgery and it seems most surgeons chicken out.
    My doctor in Taiwan is a really good one, so all things considered, I prefer to wait a few more months and get excellent care instead of just average. Even if I have to pay it all from my pocket.

    I'm in pain since November, it did get better but the pain is still here, just not as sharp as November (lucky!!).

    My health has been so complicated since October and I was hoping to see a "back to normal" pretty soon...seems it's not for tomorrow..but I'm optimistic, I know I will find a way! I will see the new surgeon in May in Paris and will decide from there..

    Thank you for your support my friend!!
  6. View Conversation
    The visit with the bariatric surgeon didn't go well to say the least. He was supposed to do the surgery next month, refused for no reason, was just awful, said July and not before (at first he said September), and he was pushing for a bypass when I said since day one I didn't want to trigger my IBS. My guess is that he doesn't do those repairs often, is scared of failing...but that's no reason to be awful...

    So....I was really upset after that consult, have an appointment with an other surgeon in an other Parisian hospital on 22 May, but in the mean time asked my surgeon in Taiwan if he would do the surgery to repair my stomach. He said yes.

    So that's an option I'm considering (even if it would be 100% out of pocket). We will know also in May what's happening on the job situation (if we go overseas or not) I will probably decide what to do when we get all cards in hand.

    This never ending story is getting really really annoying...most French doctors are awful, and since I'm in pain since November, I must say I'm losing patience and losing my cool too!! Argh!!! I can't wait to move!!
  7. View Conversation
    Yes, it has been a while!! I am just SOOO busy and active anymore, I just don't write as much. Coming up on my 18 month mark soon. Everything is still rockin'. My weight has pretty much stabilized now and it can vary 2 to 5 pounds one way or the other, but I am so comfortable now, I just keep rolling along. Really getting back into weight lifting and that may be why my weight has just kind of stopped right there. Putting on a lot of muscle.

    Hope this message finds you well! I still read all the posts daily, sometimes twice a day for my inspiration. I will post a 1 1/2 year update in a couple weeks. Stay well!!
  8. Well going good until I hurt my rotator cuff before Christmas slipping on ice, saw the doctor who said it was just strained, but then REALLy hurt it in a body pump class about 3 weeks ago! See the doctor again Wednesday. It had better be something they can help in PT, because I have no time for surgery. Frustrating. This getting old sucks. I'm still getting in my hiking, but no strength training that I need.
  9. I did, thanks! I'm out-of-town for almost 2 weeks now and doing my best not to eat a single bit of junk, as I typically return from vacations with a gain. Hope to stay the same this time. Not easy around three cute grandkids who are always eating things I shouldn't.
  10. View Conversation
    For the "virus" I took probiotic twice, I hope it will do the trick. Really weird that my reflux is back suddenly for no reason! I'm not really feeling sick but just nauseous, which happen when the reflux is bad.

    So today was not a "no snack day" since I had to have mini meals...but I will restart very soon. and still watching more my carbs to help with reflux too.

    My gastric surgeon wanted to repair my stomach in January, but since my asthma came back even stronger after my week of tests at the hospital, we had to wait for the asthma to be gone. Then looking at the results of my tests, he told me (like the other specialist in auto immune diseases) that after talking to all the other specialists about my case, it was better to first stop the anemia, so have the gyn surgery first.

    I even asked if doing both surgery at the same time was possible, but apparently it was too much time under.
    On April 1st I've got my green light from my gyn surgeon to continue with (finally!!!) the stomach repair.

    Since the asthma has been gone since mid February, I'm less in pain in that area (each asthma attack made the hernia slide, and the staples are touching a nerve on the hiatus, from what the radiologist said to explain my pain) but the reflux took also months to settle....and it's been really better for only two weeks.

    Anyway!! I see the bariatric surgeon next week, and I should have a firm date for the surgery confirmed that day. We discussed mid May..we'll see what happen!
  11. View Conversation
    I tried 3 days with no snacks and I will continue that as soon as my stomach let me because it was really a big improvement with my hypoglycemia. I will just need to figure out how to increase my calories and stay in my "moderate low carb range"..

    Since last night and the courgette disaster, reflux is awful.

    But my husband told me he was also not well last night, and apparently several colleagues around him have severe gastroenteritis and didn't show up at work! may be my weird veggie story is finally only a virus!

    I hope!! because I'm at my maximum dosage for the PPI since last night and anti acid (tums) don't help either ! if it's a virus I will find a way to control it. But I can't do much to help with my painful sliding hiatal hernia...the only positive thing after five month of dealing with that hernia, my lungs did adapt to the "alien" and my breathing is almost normal...
  12. View Conversation
    Hi Simonne!

    My experiment to stop the snacks and lower my carb intake to stabilize the hypoglycemia is not going that well.
    I did feel that no snack really did help me and my blood sugar was much better.

    But for mysterious reasons veggies are currently making me sick several days in a row! wondering if after all my stomach is really better, I might continue with my snack until I see my surgeon on Thursday.
    Plus I did track and was under 1200 cal for those two daysl...no good...and no weight loss indeed!

    Argh!! can't wait for my surgery!! and after I will stop the snacks for sure!
  13. View Conversation
    First of all....I love Greece. Did you go on the little island of Crete? So beautiful. I visited there when I was like 12 and the beaches were exquisite. I grew up in Italy so I have been all over Europe. I am from Aviano which is right at the base of the Dolomites. Actually Costa di Aviano which is a little fragment that literally is right at the edge where the road goes up. It is about 1 hour from Venice. Where will you be going in Italy? I miss the food so much. I had a great time on my vacation in 2017 and I was less than a year post op and fully enjoyed the tiny bits of food that I could eat.
  14. View Conversation
    Just wanted to say hi. I have been super busy with selling our house and building our new house. How have you been??
  15. View Conversation
    I'm doing well -- I have a study group on Wednesdays (2 hours) and its very challenging; I have the quarterly newsletter deadline today and am waiting on procrastinators. Meeting tonight at church. Friend stopping by after lunch to return a book....

    It's cold, rainy and yukky in NC. My dogs do not want to get off the porch, nor do I.

    I have not heard from Kristina since she was transferred to Univ of Minnesota -- I am not sure if I should call her -- or her dad? I'm concerned.

    Hope you are well happy and trucking along!
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About Dutchie

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About Dutchie
Gastric Sleeve Surgeon:
Dr. Pablo Enriquez Valens
Surgery date:


English is not my first language anymore, so I may and do make mistakes in my spelling, or say things oddly. Please ask me, if you want any clarifications.


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We reached the Arctic Circle

by Dutchie on 09-16-2019 at 12:49 PM
A couple of days ago we reached the Arctic Circle!
The weather has been terrible lately, lots of rain and it is freezing cold...duh... who knew? LOL
Just want to share some pictures.

Yes! We made it! Hubby took a picture of me taking the obligated picture. lol
Skinny legs!

Camping all alone on top of the world.

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Our Sweden trip, boondocking

by Dutchie on 08-22-2019 at 05:34 AM
Maybe you like to know, what our life looks like, living fulltime in a RV.
I thought I would give you a little insight.
We love to stay at lonely places, and enjoy the nature surrounding us.
All alone (which is not the same as lonely), with the peace and the quite.
At this moment we found a place to set up camp, deep in the woodiewoods, where practically no people live.
We make our own electricity, we have propane tanks on board and we can make drinking water by

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We are back in Sweden

by Dutchie on 08-17-2019 at 04:59 AM
Almost one year after the lost blog post, we are back in Sweden.
This time, however, we will travel to the utmost northern coast of the European continent, far beyond the Polar Circle.
Weather permitted, of course.
I looked it up, we are travelling up to 71 degrees latitude, which is the European equivalent of the most northern part of Alaska, Barrow, even beyond Prudhoe Bay.
We are really excited!
We hope for a wonderful time of hiking, campfires and spotting

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by Dutchie on 09-14-2018 at 12:54 AM
We are currently in Sweden, where we were chasing the Aurora.
That was always high on our bucketlist.
And we have seen some beautiful sightings!
Life is good...
Nice hiking here in the forests and mountains.
I feel very blessed.
I could not have done it, when I was at my heaviest...
I'll try to put some pictures here.
Stil loosing weight, very slowly, but still...
This morning 105,4 pounds.

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I finally ate pizza!

by Dutchie on 07-15-2018 at 12:58 AM
Not a big deal, some of you might say.
But the point is: I have not eaten pizza since my surgery, 1,5 years ago.
So yesterday was a family day and we went out for lunch as well as dinner.

For lunch we ended up in a restaurant where food choices were very limited.
But there was pizza!
I reminded myself, that I was NOT on a diet and ordered a slice of tuna pizza.
And though it tasted good, I craved some healthy protein and my veggies.

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Dutchie has not uploaded their before and after pictures yet. Please check back soon or send them a PM and ask them to upload them.