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36 Visitor Messages

  1. View Conversation
    Wow amazing achievement you look amazing well done !!
  2. View Conversation
    Hi Jessie,
    just wanted to swing by to send you good wishes and hope you're doing okay. I was just looking through your after pics and I know you can get there again. Big hugs :-)
  3. View Conversation
    Sis you look fabulous, what an inspiration. Tell me what you did to continue to get it off and keep it off.
  4. View Conversation
    Inspirational!! You look fantastic =)
  5. View Conversation
    You look fantastic!

  6. View Conversation
    You look amazing!!!!!!
  7. View Conversation
    You look fabulous. I am just 5 months post op. My question is did u have any problems with extra skin? If so what did you do to resolve it? I have lost over 50lbs and i am starting to have a problem with the extra skin and need some suggestions.
  8. View Conversation
    You look amazing! Congrats! I have yet to be sleeved and have similar body of your before... Very inspiring id love to have your figure! Thanks for sharing.
  9. View Conversation
    You look great!!!!! Congratulations!!!
  10. Cindy, congrads on you great looks. I was just wondering what kind of complications you had that caused you to have a feeding tube and for how long.
  11. View Conversation
    For some reason I can't add you as a friend - can you resend the friendship request?
  12. View Conversation
    You look fantastic!!! Keep up the great work!!
  13. View Conversation
    What a great report. Good work and you look lovely.
  14. View Conversation
    You look awesome.... Great job. I hope I look as good when I loose all of my weight..
  15. View Conversation
    Great job, and Happy Surgerversary. Looks like its a few days away. You should be very proud.
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About jessiejess

Basic Information

About jessiejess
Sleeved or not sleeved:
I have had a gastric sleeve.
I first started this journey in 2009. I decided I wanted to have a lap band. I went to see a surgeon who discouraged me from getting the lap band. We discussed the bypass and he told me he really didn't think that was for me either. He told me about this amazing new surgery, the sleeve. The only problem was that it was still considered experimental so insurance companies didn't cover it. Oh well. My hopes were dashed. I quit trying. As far as BMI went, I didn't qualify anyway so I felt pretty bad. I was able to lose down to 200 and maintained that for a few years. Then, about a year and a half ago, the scale started creeping up again. I gained 30lbs. I felt hopeless. In my mind it was, "Here we go again. The yo-yo I've been on my whole life". I felt like there was nothing I could do about it. I've tried every diet, every diet pill, I am just going to be fat forever. Then something happened. I met a woman and kept hearing people compliment her on how great she looked. I asked her if she'd lost a lot of weight or something and she said yes, 125 lbs, and told me she'd had the sleeve. WHAT??? Her insurance covered it. DOUBLE WHAT???? So, I immediately called my insurance company and sure enough, it was covered. They told me what the requirements were and I fell short by about 15lbs so I gained it on purpose so I could FINALLY do this and be DONE with the yo yo game! I met this woman in July, I went to see the surgeon in August, and my journey began. I did everything they said and I GOT APPROVED! That's the first time I cried real tears of joy. I couldn't believe it. I was finally going to be thin. So, 3 weeks after my approval, I was in the OR. Now I am on my way to the new me and I couldn't be happier with how I feel! What I thought would never happen happened! I love my sleeve and am looking forward to the new life it is going to give me!
Gastric Sleeve Surgeon:
Dr. Mehta
Surgery date:


You don’t have to be perfect. You just need to be better.

Revision stats:
3/2/20 Pre-op: 197.5


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03-25-2020 07:44 PM
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It's Official! I'm back in the game!

by jessiejess on 07-15-2018 at 12:41 PM
Originally posted on 7/13/2018

I'm so excited! I committed to start working out again Sunday and have worked out 5 times since then. My 5am workouts are so therapeutic. I even took a 20 minute soak in epsom salts )post work out therapy salts) in my jacuzzi bathtub this morning after my workout and before I started getting ready for work. The jets and hot water felt awesome. Talk about an awesome way to start the day!!
I stopped eating more than 20g of carbs a day on Monday and

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The Master Plan

by jessiejess on 07-15-2018 at 12:39 PM
Originally posted on 7/14/2018

Hello again fellow and future losers. Don't you love how being a "loser" is actually a good thing in this context? I love holding that thumb and index finger above my forehead because I am DEFINITELY a loser and over the MOON about it!! I'm finally not gaining anymore. I'm a loser. Regain be GONE!!

I got to change my weight in my ticker again today. I started Monday at 192 and am now at 188. I've gotten to change my ticker 4 times

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Bikini Pics - I said I wouldn't post these but here they are.

by jessiejess on 08-13-2014 at 08:16 PM
Quote Originally Posted by jessiejess View Post
Ok. I did it. I wore an actual bikini this weekend. I said I was not going to post these but why the heck not. If I can motivate someone with these, then it's worth it.
Be kind. I'm not wearing any makeup and I was outside and in the pool all day and it's HOT here in Texas. I'm an extremely modest person so wearing that bikini and posting these is kind of a break through moment for me. I NEVER show my thighs and my tan lines don't match. Lol. The white part of my stomach above the bathing

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90lbs down - Bikini Pics

by jessiejess on 08-13-2014 at 08:12 PM
Quote Originally Posted by jessiejess View Post
I've shared stories on here about how I'm living my life now and how great I feel. I've posted before and after pictures but in some of the posts, people have asked to see more pics. Well, I posted about letting my husband take pictures of me in Cancun in a two piece and how I posted them on facebook. I also let him take pics of me in a two piece last weekend. I bought a bikini to wear this weekend but since it's not a skirted bottom, I DOUBT I'll be letting anyone take pics of that and I certainly

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Paying it forward - Pics attached

by jessiejess on 08-13-2014 at 08:08 PM
Quote Originally Posted by jessiejess View Post
Hi everyone. Well, its been 9 months since I made the best decision of my life outside of marrying my husband and having children. I am a completely different person. I workout every day and enjoy it. I love pictures of myself. I no longer have social anxiety. I no longer feel like a spectacle because I am the fattest person in the room.
My body fat percentage is well within the healthy range. I have lost 67.75 inches and went from size 20 to size 4/6 and XS/S which I never thought was possible.

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Before and After Photos

Picture BEFORE 248.00 lbs. - before
Picture AFTER after - 135.00 lbs.

Member: jessiejess

Surgery date: 11/13/2013

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