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The Brain game begins....

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I had my surgery last Monday and I'm feeling pretty good. I still get a little tired but that's to be expected. I know I'm not hungry BUT I still want food! I'm on the water, broth and SF popsicles with SF jello. My family got hamburgers the other day and I wanted one. I know I'm not hungry but they still smelled great and the first I thought was that I wanted 1 too. How do you start reprogramming your brain to not want food? I walk thru the kitchen to do laundry and I want to eat something out of habit..... How did you break this vicious cycle??

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  1. marcie4350's Avatar
    I had my surgery last Wednesday and can relate to how you feel. Met with my doctor today. He old me it will get better onc e I'm on food. I thought I was starving , then could only eat half a can of soup. Our brains need to catch up with our new little bellies! Good luck!
  2. mila's Avatar
    You cannot believe how much better it gets. I'm now on a chopped diet (two wks out of surgery today) and I eat 1/4 cup and am stuffed. It is wonderful to be able to eat some of the foods I love and feel so satisfied after so little. Of course there are foods I cannot go back to, because they are triggers. But that is part of learning to eat a new way. When do you go on full liquids? That will help.
  3. want2be's Avatar
    I go back to my Dr on Thursday and I know he's going to introduce me to some new things. I guess it's just knowing that all food right now is a huge NO-NO, it makes it that much more attractive. As I said... brain games! Thanks for the encouraging words!! It's always nice to know that you aren't alone!!