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26-Month Post-Op Check-In and Reality Check!

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Hi, Y'all!

I regret that I have not made time to check in regularly with folks here! I positively received a fountain of sage advice and support, and I owe to all y'alls.

I just completed the first year of my MSW/MPA program and to be honest; it is kicking my butt and serving back to me on a silver platter. The mental demand is overwhelming at times, but I am proud of my accomplishments there!

I want to keep it real with y'all. I am eating "normal" again! And that is scary!! No more warning signs when I have overeaten. No more alarming pain. Mostly because I have been making poor food choices and because I eat stuff that turns into slush!

The hunger and craving for lousy food have returned with a vengeance!

I have been avoiding the scales since my birthday back in April. I stopped going to the gym around my birthday too. I ran a half-marathon to welcome my 50th birthday (of this I am profoundly proud!) and it took me over a week to recuperate, and I had a minor injury on my toe. I had been preparing for six months, working out three times a week and walking/jogging every day. Still, injuries happen.

I stepped on the scale this morning. My clothes had already shown the tales of weight gain, and they do not lie! I gained 15lbs in the last year!

Today, I am back. I need you all to help me get back on the wagon. Veterans here have been my inspiration and will draw from your advice.

As of today, I am starting to measure everything and keep a food log. I cleaned out my fridge and pantry, and I have gone shopping. I am going to start cooking more and doing my meal prep as I had done before.

My primary motivator for seeking the gastric sleeve was to get a hold of my weighgain and to halt diabetes. I did both. Now I need to stop the regain and always remember that I am prone to diabetes.

I found some toe cushions that may alleviate the pain and will start walking today.

I need to make time for me in all the workload that I have put on myself this summer.

I also need to see the doctor for physical; I am way past my yearly checkup with the gastric doctor and my regular practitioner.

Always around awful fun foods

Click image for larger version. 

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Making time for fun tho!

Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	27786
Feeling beautiful and grateful for the new self #GastricSleeveLife

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  1. sraebaer's Avatar
    15 pounds is totally doable! (Anyone who can run a half marathon can easily lose 15 pounds)! My only advice is to get back to eating how you learned with the sleeve, weigh yourself daily so you don't have any big surprises, and exercise.

    Injuries suck, I gained when I broke my neck. (Got it off). There is a whole lot you can do to help your toe heal like biking, swimming, weight training, etc.

    Glad you're back!
  2. Shirl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by sraebaer
    15 pounds is totally doable! (Anyone who can run a half marathon can easily lose 15 pounds)! My only advice is to get back to eating how you learned with the sleeve, weigh yourself daily so you don't have any big surprises, and exercise.

    Injuries suck, I gained when I broke my neck. (Got it off). There is a whole lot you can do to help your toe heal like biking, swimming, weight training, etc.

    Glad you're back!
    Thank you for welcoming me back!

    I checked with a fellow sleever offline and she reminded of the protein first rule.

    It’s so weird how I was obsessed with weighing myself daily, and now I’m petrified of it because I cannot bare see the weight gain.

    My youngest daughter has been involved in cross-fit for the last year and her transformation is inspiring. My half-marathon training involved doing 5k’s twice a month and working myself up. She was my pace keeper from the beginning and if it weren’t for her I would have given up on mile ten.

    Definitely humbling to know I cannot let my guard down, but there is a community here devoted to our success! Thank you, sraebaer!
  3. sraebaer's Avatar
    While losing I weighed myself just one day a week, but now that I'm maintaining I weigh every day. If I'm a little up I'm extra careful that day and it comes off.
  4. Ann2's Avatar
    sraebaer's right. You can so do this.

    Good to hear your voice back here.
  5. Shirl's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ann2
    sraebaer's right. You can so do this.

    Good to hear your voice back here.
    Good to hear yours Ann2!!!

    I have been asking myself what would Ann2 do?
    --not that you would say this exactly but--
    Get your a* back on the forum to start and then check self-care habits...

    So I listened to my inner Ann2
  6. BikerChick's Avatar
    Hi Shirl!

    You are an inspiration!

    Good Luck!
  7. Sandra3's Avatar
    Hey Shirl,
    The regain is not that bad, don't stress over it. I'm facing the same thing, regained in January with my strong cortisone treatment...and I lost a little since but still not back where I was at my 2 years surgiversary. I think that stress, lots of work and bad food choices (no time!) are the clear reason for you, so it will be easy to reverse. Keep it simple, it will be gone soon! XOXO