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calling all veterans.....

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Hello! A friend of mine was sleeved December 2013. So she is now 14 months out. we were talking today and she said she thinks she is eating too much. For example, she made a packet of oatmeal and was able to eat the entire bowl. She didn't give me any other examples but she would like to know, at this point, about how much should she eat at each meal.
She started at 279 and is now bouncing between 150 and 154. She said she does eat sweets, and doesn't drink much. No protien drinks, no tracking. only has a BM once a week.
obviously I told her that she should not eat a lot of sweets, she said she craves it. I told her to fight the craving and eventually it will subside. I also told her she really needs to drink And keep track of protien. But I don't know what to tell her when it comes to eating. Any help would be appreciated, examples of your daily meal, daily Calorie intake etc.
she wants to start loosing again. She has another 15 pounds. thank you!!!

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  1. Kelli D's Avatar
    Eating a packet of oatmeal at this point isn't unusual. I am 19 months post op I can eat much more than I did when I first had my surgery. With that said it still isn't that much compared to people who haven't had the surgery. My concern is the sweet addiction. This is something that should be resolved or greatly improved. Some people say you have to live life and enjoy foods however I believe slippery slopes should be avoided. They draw you in and before you know it your new life has gone back to the old life and gaining weight will happen. She needs to exchange the sweets for some berries and melons. She should definitely have more than one BM a week and I would question the amount of food she is eating that is fibrous. When having this surgery you have to resolve yourself to a new life and making the changes that are needed. Tell her to try some flavored coffee with some chocolate premier protein shake with some sf flavored coffee creamer. This is a wonderful treat for myself I love hazelnut w.sf hazelnut coffee creamer. There are ways to satisfy that monster sweet tooth. You are a great friend and I wish her and you the best.
  2. thenewmetoday's Avatar
    How about getting her to join us and ask her questions?
  3. Aydensmomma's Avatar
    Ive been telling her to join, I've told her everything that I learned, how if a question pops into my head I can come on and ask and I can vent and complain too ;-)
    hopefully she will join, I'm meeting her for breakfast at 10a.
  4. Aydensmomma's Avatar
    Thank you Kelli d
  5. ACE's Avatar
    I would be really worried if someone didnt have a BM more than once a week first off. Sounds like she isnt eating enough and if she is staying between 150 and 154 she is doing good I would think (I dont know how tall she is or what her goal is for a healthy BMI )
    As far as food goes I eat sweets and carbs all the time its almost all I do eat other than meat and fruits. But I make everything i eat from scratch so not having the chemical in food like processed foods can be a big difference in 15 lb as well. If she eats processed foods (and a packet of oatmeal is processed usually to some degree) then tell her to try cutting them out and see if that helps it might help her craving feeling for sweets too I dont crave them i just like them
  6. LadyJu's Avatar
    My suggestion would be for her to go ahead and take an enema at this point, as well as a mild laxative to get rid of the toxins build up in her system. These could be found at any local pharmacy.

    When I received dietary counseling, I was told not to eat more than 4ozs of anything at a time and to stay off carbs and especially sweets! Now, I know most of us, being only human, will slip every once in a while, but please, this should not be part of any one's regular diet. That is what contributed to our obesity in the first place.

    Making the decision to have this surgery came with the knowledge that our lifestyle and nutritional habits were going to be changed for the better, as would our health and well being, as well as being a positive influence to friends and family who might be suffering with obesity.

    I would encourage her to read the pearls of wisdom by Leilana Gibbs posted by Aydensmomma, which addressed some of the issues in question.

    Good luck.
  7. ReadySet's Avatar
    Sugar only makes our body want more sugar, including carbs, and I have found that so true in my first two months post sleeve. I thought I could feed my sweet tooth by eating frozen yogurt but what I found was that this more I had the more I wanted. Unlike protein which fills, satisfies and you move on. I think the best advice I've read on this forum is that when in doubt go back to the basics, 60-80 gms of protein a day and 64 oz of water. Do a reset and begin again.