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8 Months Post Op

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So I just completed my 5 day pouch test. Fabulous program. It finally pushed me under 180 and over the 70 lbs lost mark (been stuck in the 180's for a few months now) and got my restriction back! I measured myself for the first time in a couple of months and wow, I need to get working out again. The stress of life, moving, new job, etc has screwed with my schedule and I have to take control back. I committed to my calendar to work out 3 days a week for the next 2 weeks then increased it to 5 days after that. Riding my horse, walking the beach, Wii Just Dance, and Walking away the pounds are on the rotation so I don't get bored.

Even though I feel like I should have hit at least the Dr's goal by now (155 lbs), I know it is my own fault to shift focus and direction on other things besides my own health. My new goal is to get back to losing 1.5-2 lbs a week on average so I can hit that goal by my 1 year surgiversary and doctor's visit. My goal is less than his and will hopefully be reached at some point. Not worrying about that right now. Just going to focus on each day and each week.

Thank you for the support everyone! Be well on your own journey and learn from my mistakes

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  1. Joe Poppa's Avatar
    That is fantastic news. You are in control of your eating not the other way around.

    Keep up the excellent work!
  2. suzn358's Avatar
    Jules - How was the pouch test?
  3. rockscott40's Avatar