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My Precious Grandmother

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My precious Mamaw is 96 years old and in a nursing home with Alzheimer's. Luckily, I'm very pleased to say she still remembers me. She has trouble remembering other people and simple every day things. She has been able to continue to do embroidery until recently.

I have always been overweight. I wasn't considered morbidly obese until 10 years ago. I had gastric bypass November 20th (4 months ago) and I feel awesome! Growing up was somewhat hurtful when it came to seeing my Mamaw because she'd always say: "If you'd lose a little bit of weight you'd be pretty." Or she'd say: "I wish you weren't so fat!" I'd always keep reminding myself that she loved me and it was just her speaking out. I've always been her favorite and she's always been mighty good to me.

Today I went to see my Mamaw. She didn't notice my weight loss last month, so I knew she wouldn't notice today. I must admit last month was her Birthday and there was a lot of commotion or she may have noticed. Irregardless, I was ready and was not going to let her hurt my feelings. As I walked in her door she yelled: "Hey!" and I was extremely pleased that she still knew who I was. Then she said: "You look so pretty! You've lost weight!!!" I held her hand as the tears streamed down my face! I went on to tell her that I never in a million years expected her to notice! She teared up with me as she talked about my skinny legs, face, etc. I had to laugh because I have a small roll around my belly that I need to lose now. She said: "We will just have to get you a girdle to cover that little bit."

I left from my visit overwhelmed with emotion and feeling like I'd done something right for once. She was truly happy for me! I've lost just over 80 pounds since November and I feel very blessed!

My reason for posting this is to remind everyone that we CAN do whatever we put our minds to! Do this for yourself! Please don't wait until you're old like me or until your weight gets really out of hand. Believe in yourself and take the leap of faith!

Best of luck to each of you and keep the faith! Best wishes as you continue along this wonderful new journey!


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  1. sociologist's Avatar
    It is a wonderful feeling! My mom has dementia and when I saw her last week she called me by name and noticed I had lost weigt. I cried like a baby.
  2. ltlsqueak's Avatar
    Wow! That is so sweet! What a wonderful feeling and sense of acceptance in a way. I'm so happy for you! Much continued success!

    Quote Originally Posted by sociologist
    It is a wonderful feeling! My mom has dementia and when I saw her last week she called me by name and noticed I had lost weigt. I cried like a baby.
  3. Wrightone111's Avatar
    What a beautiful story! I lost my Grandma almost 6 years ago and she also had dementia but I always thought it was amazing how if or when she did remember me, her mouth had no filter and she almost always had something to say about my weight. Now mind you, she wasn't the smallest woman herself, lol.

    I've now lost 52 lbs so far and I wonder if she was still here if she would notice but either way, I hope she's proud.
  4. ltlsqueak's Avatar
    I bet she would notice! I have no doubt that she is watching you from heaven very proud and excited for you too! Great job and keep up the hard work. It's so well worth it!

    Quote Originally Posted by Wrightone111
    What a beautiful story! I lost my Grandma almost 6 years ago and she also had dementia but I always thought it was amazing how if or when she did remember me, her mouth had no filter and she almost always had something to say about my weight. Now mind you, she wasn't the smallest woman herself, lol.

    I've now lost 52 lbs so far and I wonder if she was still here if she would notice but either way, I hope she's proud.
  5. kenson's Avatar
    Hey Sherri, so great to see you! Great story about your grandmother. Glad to hear that you are continuing to do so well!
  6. Lee6Lee's Avatar
    A very touching thread.
  7. Blessed2's Avatar
    Thank you so much for this post. I can relate in so many ways! I lost my mother 5 years ago due to Alzheimer's so I know what your going through. Sorry to say it has taken me 45 years to realize that I needed to take care of myself and get the weight off, wish I had done it sooner. Enjoying my new life! I will be praying for you and your family. Keep fighting the good fight! Your doing awesome!
  8. sulanden's Avatar
    This has to be one of my most wonderful posts ever. Between the doors that close in our lives and the windows that open, there is someone special holding them open for us...hugs to your Mamaw and kisses, to you, too!
  9. Nick Nic's Avatar
    This is so sweet and inspirational. Thank you for sharing. You are truly blessed to have your grandmother still here with us. Mine passed away when I was 8 years old and I still miss her over 30 years later. Grandparents are so special!
  10. ltlsqueak's Avatar
    Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so happy with where I'm at in my life. I wish you the best!

    Quote Originally Posted by sulanden
    This has to be one of my most wonderful posts ever. Between the doors that close in our lives and the windows that open, there is someone special holding them open for us...hugs to your Mamaw and kisses, to you, too!