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  1. 10 days Post Op


    Just wanted to give a quick update.
    I am 10 days post op and feeling great! I am very lucky that I have been able to keep everything down (liquids, vitamins, protein smoothies, jello, pudding, applesauce.) I tried pureed chicken with vegetables as suggested in my diet quideline but it was too heavy and didn't sit well in my tummy. Kind of felt like a brick stuck in there. So I will stick with the smoother stuff for a while.
    Most days I have a surprising amount ...
  2. My surgery is tomorrow!!!!!

    I can't believe the day has finally come. I survived 14 days on the liquid diet. I'm so happy that it is over! I am so looking forward to eating jello!
    I don't know if I am going to sleep tonight. I'm nervous, anxious and excited!
  3. Pre Op Diet Day 7

    Today was day 7 of the pre op liquid diet. I wasn't hungry and had to force myself to drink the shakes. What a difference a few days make. On day 1 of this diet, I struggled and started doubting myself, thinking I couldn't possibly get thru 2 weeks on this crazy diet. Day 2 was better, day 3 was great, day 4 was horrible!!!! I was pacing in the kitchen, ready to pull my hair out and on the verge of tears. I so desperately wanted something other than shakes, tea and water. I have to confess, I had ...
  4. Pre op Diet Day 2

    Today was so much better than yesterday. I had a cup of tea at 7am then had my first shake at 8am (sipped it slowly for about an hour), had my second shake around 11am, the third at 2pm and now having the fourth. I put the fifth in the freezer and will have it around 8pm. I drank a lot of water in between shakes. I flavored the shakes with the flavored oils that I bought yesterday and that helped so much! I added the orange flavor to a vanilla shake and it tasted like a creamsicle! Right now I am ...
  5. Pre Op Diet

    I started the Pre Op Liquid Diet today...which consists of 5 diabetic Boost shakes, water and coffee or tea. I have to admit that I had a hard time concentrating at work because I was so hungry, light headed and dizzy. By lunch time I was really doubting myself and questioning my decision about getting the surgery until I spoke with a co-worker who has a sleeve. She reassured me that the first few days on the diet are the hardest and it will get easier. She found the pre op diet more difficult than ...