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  1. Energy boost and excersise

    Quote Originally Posted by toylee View Post
    Started this journey in August 2012. Started using My fitness App at the advise of my nutritionalist. Ate between 1600 and 1200 calories per day. Started a daily walking routine of 30 minutes per day,steady walking. As weight came off I increased these walks to one hour, which I continue today. I was able to drop from 358lbs to 298lbs prior to the Sleeve on December 4,2012.

    Since the sleeve I started into riding a bicycle daily when possible in addition to the daily walk. Today I
  2. Surgery next week

    I am scheduled for surgery next week 7:00 Tuesday morning. Met with Dr Carlson this morning and he thought I was there for post op. He had seen me in the hall and noticed my pre-op weight loss (60lbs) and thought that I had already been sleeved. Really made me feel good and even more committed.

    Liquid diet easier than predicted, using Chike shakes, Total Lean shakes, variety of Injury protein products, and crystal light is helping. I found I do not get hungery with the high protein ...
  3. Starting liquids tomorrow for ten days

    I have been experimenting with protein shakes to see which I like. Hell, I liked them all, therefore I am planning to mix up or alternate between chike, injury, total lean, and chicken broth.

    I have found that the high protein drinks taken regularly keep me from getting hungry. I think the key is "don't wait till you are hungary to eat".

    Wish me look and good luck to all who are on or starting their liquids.