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Happy Halloween my friends!

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I hope everyone is doing well. I am down 55 lbs which is real hard for me to even imagine still.. I started this journey at 307 and i am down to 252. The weight is still coming off but slowly and surely. I still can not imagine myself ever being thin again. Even though I'm wearing smaller sizes now too I just don't see much of a difference. I cannot wait to hit onederland! I find that the more I eat the more weight i lose. Seems odd to me but my doctor says i am not getting enough calories. Anway, I am rambling. haven't been on here for a while but I hope everyone is doing well and everyone that is wondering whether they should do this surgery or not.. go for it!

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  1. brendadenton64's Avatar
    so happy for your continued sucuess, that has been the premiss for so long, eat more weight less. But now our bodies will finally have to deal with what we put in our tummies
  2. jerzeygirl's Avatar
    It's so nice to hear you've been doing well and feeling positive! I've missed your posts. I don't think I'm getting in enough calories either, because when I eat more protein; it seems I lose more that week. I am exercising daily and just having some trouble getting in enough foods. I'm not very good at tracking the foods (journaling), but I have an appt. w/the nutrionist next month and will begin to chart what I eat and see what's going on. Continued success and don't be a stranger.
  3. slim&proud's Avatar
    My bariatric nurse said the same thing to me two months ago, eat more... I did and i started losing again. She also said last week that my weightloss should start to slow down in three months... ( Not looking forward to that, hope i've lost all i want to by then because if i haven't then the hard work really starts.

    Congrats on your weightloss hun.x
  4. bstocks32's Avatar
    Congrats! im down 65 as of today! I need to lose more lol what are you ladies eating in a typical day? Ive been slacking