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There's a question on my mind,just wanted to clarify it with all of u. I have been out of surgery 6 days back and am able to drink everything without a problem, i am having around 2.5 lts of liquid per day.But i feel like eating solid food is it normal or is something wrong with me?????? Please help as i am totally lost.

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  1. Letizia81's Avatar
    Nothing's wrong w you. I felt feel the same way. I'm not sure if they'll change my diet next thurs.
  2. suegirl's Avatar
    I have felt the same way since day one... they just released me to pureed yesterday and I was so happy to be able to eat egg salad and other soft stuff...
  3. ruby2508's Avatar
    I have been able to drink well and eat what I want since I was allowed to eat. I worry that I am going to be one of the ones that it doesn't work for! But...I notice my clothes are looser and I am eating a whole lot less than I did before. I have lost weight 18 lbs in 5 weeks. It may not sound like alot to some but I am happy with that. The part I deal with and you might too is the fact that we are so used to eating that our mind tells us we want to eat when we aren't really hungry. I fight it everyday. I go to the Dr next week at my six week mark and I am going to talk to him about my cravings to still eat in the evening. I already know what he will tell me. Brush your teeth, go to bed, read a book, exercise, do anything to stay busy but don't eat junk. He always tells me if I am hungry at night to eat cottage chesse. I can eat cottage cheese but when I want a snack I don't think of cottage cheese!

    Good luck to you and I hope you get settled into a pattern that works for you. Just remember we are all different and what works for one but not work for another. I am sure you will be fine once you can eat regular food.
  4. Readysetgo!'s Avatar
    I am so happy your able to drink. That is so important. Are you getting your protien in? It is a blessing
    that your stomach is healing so well. Keep up the good work!