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Been told to eat more... Urrrggghhhh

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Hey Guys!

Had my follow up appointment yesterday with my surgeon and nurse.
Both really happy with progress, have now lost 39lb in 5 weeks which im really happy with.
However they both think I should be eating more..
I really struggle to eat what i am already eating, so dont know how to eat anymore..
This is what a typical day would look like for me...

Morning - Weetabix (Only manage to eat around 3/4, can never finish)
Mid morning - Light babybell
Lunch - 3 to 4 pieces of quorn chicken in gravy
Afternoon snack - Fat free yoghurt
Dinner - 1 Egg scrambled with cheese

The if i can squeeze in later in the evening I will have a yoghurt or cheese string.

Looking at it, it does look ridiculously small! haha

Anyone have any suggestions of what else I can do to get more food in..?
I already feel like im continuously eating (Man I used to love doing that b4 the sleeve!)

I did ask my surgeon if he removed 95% of my stomach instead of the 80% but he just gave me a funny look haha! Ooops!

Any help or suggestions would be fab xxx

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  1. suzn358's Avatar
    My doctor told me to eat more also. She said to add a shake somehow during the day to get in the extra calories.
  2. julesdeck's Avatar
    I would maybe choose a softer protein in the morning to jump start your body either in addition to your usual breakfast or instead of. I find if I have a strong protein filled breakfast, I feel like I have more energy. I also get more calories in. I have eggs, cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, bites (eggs, ham, and cheese mini quiche) sometimes a protein shake with some frozen fruit added. That will give you protein and fiber.
  3. jerzeygirl's Avatar
    I agree with julesdeck. Something in the morning that's a softer protein might help. Eggs are great and yogurt. I used nuts often as a "filler" in the beginning. I found it hard to eat more, but I listened to my stomach and it does get easier to eat a little more down the road. Continued success!
  4. dietingdonna's Avatar
    I make protein shakes and add 1/4 to 1/2 cup cottage cheese to thicken it and pack in the protein and some frozen fruit. I usually make a big one and divide it up morning and evening
  5. Kimmi1981's Avatar
    Brilliant - Thanks guys for the suggestions! x