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What a busy little bee I am

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I shouldn't have even taken time out of my day to type this.. but I will anyway. Lol. With only 2 days left of work until I'm off for surgery and recovery, things have been hectic in the office. I've been working desperately to get things cleared off of my desk before I go, just for the sake of my 2 co-workers that will have to be covering for me next week. I came into work this morning thinking 'it's Friday, we're going to be slow, I'll be able to get things done." FALSE. This is the busiest Friday we have had in a long while. Maybe I just feel super busy because I have a lot on my mind right now and I'm in such a rush to get everything done. My office phone ringing nonstop isn't helping much though. My co-worker told me "Don't worry about it, just put notes on the things you're working on and we'll figure it out." But I know I would feel so guilty leaving them to "figure it out". The perfectionist in me is in panic mode trying to tie everything up in such a short amount of time. I know my time off is for recovery, but I really think I'm looking forward to just being out of the office for a little while. Lol. I've already told my co-workers that I'll have my cell phone on me all the time and they can call whenever they need something but knowing them, they won't want to bother me. I appreciate that, but at the end of the day I hate feeling like I didn't do something I was supposed to or I forgot about something important to tell them. I really need a Valium right now. Hahaha

On the other hand, I'm going to a Tulsa Drillers game tonight. I'm going to relax and try not to think about too many things. If anything will cure the anxiety that I'm going through right now, it will be my love of baseball.

Only 4 sleeps left! I hope everyone else has an awesome Friday and a great weekend!

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  1. RoxFC's Avatar
    You're almost there! I remember that feeling.... I can't wait to hear about your journey once you're sleeved. It really is such an exciting (and scary) time...but mostly exciting!
  2. speedracer's Avatar
  3. novastarr's Avatar
    How exciting! Can't wait to hear about it! Hope everything goes well for you.
  4. while.im.still.young's Avatar
    @speedracer, I could not shout TGIF!!! loud enough right now haha. It's an understatement in my book.
  5. LinaC.'s Avatar
    Yeah! Almost there. Think of it this way, while you're gone they will have time to see how great you are and appreciate you all the more. Good luck and keep us posted
  6. Tina Marie's Avatar
    You are so dern cute. I hope everything goes great for you. Please keep us updated.
  7. Breen's Avatar
    What a thoughtful person you are. The world needs more of you!
  8. TheJennC's Avatar
    So close! I'm just like you - I hate leaving stuff behind at work, especially on a Friday. Maybe it was good, though - to keep your mind off of other things?

    Enjoy your weekend!