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  1. Hair today, gone tomorrow.

    Well, I got sick of picking hair off my clothes all day and sweeping my floors forever so I took the plunge and got my hair cut. I love it!!! Instead of long and looking thin and getting straggly it is full and shapely and looks so healthy. It's still falling out but you sure don't notice so bad when it's shorter. I was so worried about this stage, but hey, it's worth it, and sometimes we need a push into changing. My hair had been much the same for years and now it's new hair, new body, new me!!! ...
  2. I've not been sick for a week!!!!!!!

    A week ago seen I saw the nurse and surgeon, they suggested I stopped the domeperidone, anti sickness motility tablets, and hey presto, I've not been sick since. What a good feeling to look forward to and enjoy my tiny meals knowing the food is gona stay inside me! Had another barium swallow today which showed up no problems not even the hernia. So, I am delighted and feeling so much more positive. This journey ain't all easy but it is so worth it. Yesterday I bought jeans at Next, size 16, and ...
  3. ONEDERLAND!!!! But need advice...

    Hi everyone, not been saying much lately, been on holiday and don't like to post too much negative stuff, I'm still vomitting!
    Well today I weighed in at 198lbs, wow, that means I've lost 71, amazing and I am very pleased.
    I'd like to ask if anyone has a hiatus hernia that the surgeon didn't fix but should have and does it cause the sickness? I can eat like 1 oz but 3oz makes me sick. I'm 6 months out now and believe I should be able to eat a 3oz meal. It feels like it is trapped ...
  4. Why do I feel so low?

    Hi everyone, wonder if anyone can help. I just feel so damn low and don't know why! I've lost 40 lbs in less than 3 months and definitely look better but somehow feel bad. Still struggling to eat, and being sick a lot, foods I find 'safe' are so few and I'm bored of them. Wish could just take a nutrition pill and be done with eating, my Nut went nuts when I said this. Can't be bothered with my other half at all either and over a week ago moved into the spare room. Before surgery I'd been on antidepression ...
  5. I keep thinking I forgot to put my clothes on!

    Hi, down 37lbs in 2 months, my clothes that were tight are now loose. I go to work and keep having to check I've got my blouse on and I've got my skirt/trousers on, because they are not tight I don't feel like I'm wearing them and have wee panics that I forgot to get dressed!!! Anyone else feel like this?
    By the way, it's great! xxx
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