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  1. 1 week ago today....

    ....I screwed up my courage and changed my life.

    Last Friday night, May10 2013, I was settling down to hourly checks and morphine on demand. I was not really in any pain, but there was the odd distinctly tightening or cramping directly under my breast and kinda involved the whole abdominal cavity. Unfortunately I lost the trigger for the morphine for a while, thinking they had disconnected me and endured much of the niggling discomfort by just sleeping or breathing through a spasm. ...

    Updated 05-17-2013 at 10:15 AM by Truebody (Added link to Gingernuts)

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  2. Post Surgery. Hello Luvs - I'm baaaaack!

    Well what a journey. Understandably nervous on the morning of the op, but check-in all went well. Not too much hanging around and then down to theatre and staff were really terrific at keeping me engaged in idle chit chat so I reduced the chance of spiralling into anxiety.

    I was in theatre from 8am and got back into the room at midday. So it all took a while. Next thing I know I'm being wheeled into my room. Flowers from my Mum already in the room and i settled in for some sporadic ...
  3. 'Twas the night before sleeving...

    ...and all through (the cleaned house), not a creature was stirring, not even the cat, who has been checked-in at his 5 star resort for uppity Siameses.

    With the time difference, I will be done by the time you guys are heading home from the office and settling down for the night. Now that the operation is less then 8 hours away, I have new found respect for all of you who travel to have this procedure done. Those of you who do it without the language skills and alone are in a class ...
  4. How did I get here?

    I knew this last week might have an emotional high or low – wasn’t sure which, but had a feeling that I was going to face something…. That’s a yes…

    Have spent the evening in tears off and on as I really hit rock bottom. I had to go to an professional development event after work, I struggled to walk there with my ever increasing sore knees, I struggled to get up the stairs to the theatrette, I struggled to stay awake in the meeting, I felt my belly fat as I tried to get comfortable ...
  5. Blue Powerade.....

    I have just found out that my leak test is done with Blue Powerade. Heck, I can buy that almost anywhere so I can try it before hand. So pleased that I don't have to do any nasty sticking barium or any other noxious substance - Woo Hoo!!! So, I'm adding this stroke of good fortune to my Blessing lists.

    Naturally nervous 4 days prior to surgery - but I'm going to be just fine.
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