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  1. Anyone been resleeve d
  2. Asking about resleevers..... anyone been? What r the pros and cons
  3. Well it's almost 2015 and I'm up to 278 pounds I really need to get help I have absolutely no willpower even less than before my sleeve.
  4. Has anyone been resleeve on here and how did it go results wise
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    I initially had my sleeve in 2010, and i had an unusually large overstretched stomach at the time, it was the 2nd largest stomach that my surgeon had seen in thousands of procedures he had performed, and i was only about 145 lbs, at 5'8. I had suffered from binge eating disorder for so many years and had stretched my stomach to the point where it was impossible to ever feel full. I had lost the weight initially after surgery because for obvious reasons I couldn't eat, but after a few months i could accommodate a lot more food than what was normal, and within 6 months i regained all the weight i had lost. Now, a few years later, I am heavier than i was before my sleeve. I do have a problem eating veggies because thats the one thing that makes me really full, But all other foods,i can easily eat a whole box/container of whatever there is, and exceed my calorie needs for the day within 10 minutes.I'm very scared of having the re-sleeve because of complications, but I'm so fed up with my weight battles that I've come to drastic measures. You said you did have the sleeve done, you never lost the weight to begin with? Not even right after surgery? I wish they would perform the other surgeries like they used to, like the mini-bypass and DS, because those surgeries actually result in long term weight loss by having the malabsorption aspect.
  6. has anyone had to be resleeved ? if so hows it goin
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    Thank you for how you put the comment on my picture. That was my intention with those pics because I knew before the process It would have helped me a lot to actually see the reality of excess skin and all that. That scared me at times more than anything at times. I was so afraid that I would look worse than i already did and then would be just as unhappy. but the truth is the excess skin is not that big a deal. I wish you the best on your journey and thanks again.
  8. fell off the wagon friday staurday sunday back on but losing hope why am i so weak im hungry all the time and not just head hunger actual stomach growling like abeast all the time whats up and does anyone know why?
  9. news years resolution made for just for me seems like anyway back on a modified eating plan 2nd day .... lol so far so good lotsa veggies and fruits. helpppppp!
  10. ok not looking to good on the wieght loss so im gonna start saving my checks again i need more help ....
  11. im giving myself two months to lose 30 pounds if not im back to tijuana in 6 months to resleeve another 4000 to my eating addiction life is what you make it and mine is a buffet.lol pray for me i need it.
  12. started a few new diets this last month the alli pill at walmart helped a little a least i havent gained any wieght now on to hydroxi cut 1st day was yesterday i ate more than usual alot more let me give u the menu for yesterday ok cereal whole bowl of peanut butter crunch two bowls of chicken soup one pudding two tortillas and three scoops of chicken mole this is what i was afraid of before surgery that id become a overeater again the sleeve is only a tool re. that. folks
  13. weelllll i guess my sleeve has officially sopped working for me i can actually eat an entire hamburger from mcdonalds no top bread . iwas told i can get a resleeving for 3500 thinkin about it i guess i was just tooo fat and getting hypoglycimia did nt help it makes me eat constantly like grazing and i never did that before. sooooo look out fellow sleevers still happy with my results just expected 50 pds more lost .
  14. back to stinking protien shakes for me shitttt
  15. well i actually have started a diet low fat that is sticking to 22 grams of fat a day is not so hard to get to my goal weight by my year anniversary on this diet for 3 days and havent cheated its al0t easier i find with the sleeve . ive lost 4 pounds already hope my hair doesnt start falling out again .
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About Realguera

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About Realguera
Sleeved or not sleeved:
I have had a gastric sleeve.
I'm forty and going to make some big changes and want to keep my promise to god to help abused kids and women and I can't do that obese can't hardly get myself off the couch most of the time .lol anyway I need help I've tried everything and lost wieght lots of weight but it comes back like a poor relative .. I need help,
Reading speaking spanish people watching and animals love little kids
School Bus driver
Gastric Sleeve Surgeon:
Dr almanza
Surgery date:



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Cleared up

by Realguera on 01-23-2012 at 06:30 PM
Well I called dr almanzas rep today and she said the price was 4500 like I thought the first time I called. Laurie was her name I think I might have called another docs rep she told me it was much more difficult because my weight and a bmi of 40 however I found out today it's not not sure who I talked with but I've been waiting an extra month for the funds because of this person. Anyway I'm fine just paid my deposit I'm coming on the 16 of feb2012 anyone coming at this time im coming alone

Anyone had this problem

by Realguera on 01-22-2012 at 08:36 PM
I was told it would cost like a thousand more because I'm 327 PDs is there a certain weight limit to get the extra fee cut off going to dr almanza

Before and After Photos

Picture BEFORE 320.00 lbs. - before
Picture AFTER after - 278.00 lbs.

Member: Realguera

Surgery date: 03/06/2012

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