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Welcome to the loserstwhile bench! !

  1. a2twinsnanny
    I was slreed yesterday. I'm still in the hospital and am only sipping a little bit of protein shake but I feel much better than last night.
    It is very important to walk as much as possible to decrease the gas in you stomach, chest, and shoulders.
    I had my leak test today an no leaks for me!
    So who else has finally been sleeved and if so please share your first fee days of experience
  2. Jmichelle
    Congratulations! Glad you are doing okay. I'm up next week, so I'll be sure to chime in.
  3. Lijast
    ITs my turn on Friday wooooo
  4. ChefMissy
    I am going to the hospital in two hours. Not very impressed with the hotel and nurse so far. Praying that the hospital staff is better, because I'm getting nervous. Congratulations on getting through the surgery and passing the leak test. Yay! Look for me at the hotel. I have long red hair, so I'm easy to spot.
  5. Katykate2014
    I was sleeved 3/3 so officially one week out. Feeling pretty good, started full liquids today and I know in a few days I'll be singing a different tune but right now real soup (not broth) and Greek yoplait whips are Ah-mazing! So far today I've had a protein shake, a little soup, a whipped greek yogurt and sipping on a flavored water with protein. Moving on over to make room for the rest of you on this bench!
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