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January 2014 Sleevers - Checking in!!!

  1. slags68
    Hi Everyone,

    I have lost 83 pounds to date and feel awesome! I am loving buying the newer "skinny" clothes. Hoping to still love 40-50 more. But things have really slowed up now. I have stalled for the past few weeks.

    How is everyone else doing? Hope you are all well!
  2. Michelledb
  3. Mich-D
    Congrats Slags68...thus far I have lost 152.6 lbs. better than that, I am no longer in Stage 3 with my Chronic Kidney Disease. My kidney function is now at 75%, placing in Stage 2. Previously, my kidney function was in the 50's.
  4. slags68
    That is AWESOME news Mich-D!!!
  5. Wrightone111
    Congratulations Slags68!!! That's great.

    I myself have been circling around 80 lbs lost for the last month. One week I'm there, the next week I'm up and then back down again. It's a little frustrating, lol. Overall though this has been a great experience. I'm exercising like nobody's business and like you, I'm loving buying smaller clothes. The compliments I have received in the last month or so keep me motivated to just keep doing what I'm doing.

    Mich-D - congratulations to you too!!!! 152.6 pounds lost is amazing!!! And great news about your kidney disease. Keep up the great work.
  6. slags68
    Thanks Wrightone! Have any of you been shopping at Thrift stores? I always used to say I would never shop at a thrift store but when my weight started dropping I realized I would need smaller clothes and didn't want to pay full price for ones that I would only wear a short time. Both my husband and myself have found Thrift store shopping a blast. We have found great bargains and really enjoy it. Give it a try if you haven't! FYI - We are just really cautious to wash everything as soon as it comes in the house to be safe.
  7. volfanca
    I'm down 95lbs with about 35lbs to go! I wish I would have began this journey much sooner! Congratulations to all of you!
  8. Palespring
    I'm down 70lbs,weighing in at 216. The weight is coming off slowly at this point. I'm finding it hard to convince myself that I can exercise without hurting, and that I can push myself during workouts and NOT worry about having a heart attack.
    Thus is so life changing. It's not just the physical change, but the mental affect has been rough to work through. I've been working very hard to accept the new me. I know it may sound crazy, but I feel like a stranger in my own body. My days revolved around my body. Every choice I made involved my size:finding close parking spots, thinking about the next meal, pulling my shirt down so it didn't hike up my back, fidgeting with my clothes because they didn't fit right, sitting at my desk, uncomfortable because my pants dug into my stomach, dreading walking up any stairs, worrying if I would fit in a chair at a restaurant....
    8 months later and I get excited when I Park at the furthest parking spot from the door. I challenge myself to see how many FLIGHTS of stairs I can walk before getting winded. Getting dressed in the morning is a cinch. I fit comfortably in chairs. And hell, I can cross both my legs with ease.
    If this is what 216 feels like, I can only imagine the bliss of 180.
    Congratulations to all of you, you should all be very very proud!
  9. TAW
    Sounds like everyone is doing great! I've been stuck at the 50 lb mark for a while now. I joined a bootcamp Aug 4th and have been going about 3 times a week. I'm hoping this will kick-start my weight loss...soon. I'd like to be down 75 lbs by my Jan anniversary date. I'm also thinking now that we're headed towards fall temps I'll be more likely to get out and walk, I've been using the summer heat and humidity as an excuse to stay inside and not do anything. Looking forward to reading future posts from everyone as we get into the holiday season.
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