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  1. crystalshep
    I am looking into having revision from band to sleeve. My doc says it is possible to do both at one time, but feels I have a great deal of scar tissue around my band and that he may need to remove band then let the area heal before performing sleeve procedure-he won't really know of course until he gets in there... anyone have experience with band removal as first step? If so what is the recovery time? He said if he does it in two steps I will have to wait about 6-8 weeks for the sleeve. I don't mind this at all-I want to do what is best for my body. I am just wondering how long I will need to be off work from just having the band removed. I would have to be off for two-three weeks, come back then be off again Thanks!
  2. ThisWasForMe
    I had my band removed and was sleeved at the same time. My doc warned me beforehand that it could be a two-step process. Thankfully though it wasn't.

    Best of Luck!
  3. katiedidd40
    Mine was also done in one surgery. My doctor did warn me that if the band had eroded he would have to repair the hole in the stomach and I would not wake up with a sleeve! Luckily, there was no erosion. I will say the recovery for this surgery has been a little rougher than when I had the band. Could be I'm 6 years older, or just that more was done, so harder recovery, IDK! Best of luck to you!
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