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i've got bad credit…

  1. LaffeyTaffey
    Any idea where I should go for a loan?
  2. Camillypoo
    Have someone co-sign for you, who has gas good credit?
  3. Camillypoo
    Ignore that I put gas in that sentence!!
  4. axal33
    I just put my deposit down and made payments until I was paid in full vs putting it on credit.
  5. RoDean
    I had my mother co-sign on a loan for me, I too have bad credit and didnt wan't to include my husbands income as we are also car shopping.
  6. StephF89
    I did the same as axal33.
    Deposit, then payments every paycheck until taxes came then paid the balance. good luck!
  7. mstrigs
    Trust me worth every dime. Check Southwest for airfare. Was less than $250 for me round trip. One side note. You will save the cost of the surgery in lunches, food bills etc. Our bill is a 1/3rd since I have been back. Went out to lunch today for first time with customer. Ate 1/4 of the sandwich. Dinner next 2 nights!!!
  8. StephF89
    May 14th will be my 3 month out mark from getting sleeved by Dr. Almanza and I'm down 64.6lbs.... So if you are wondering if it's worth it..... It so is!!!
  9. azladyrider
    @mstrigs - isn't the food bill wonderful for grocery shopping now?
  10. ksosne
    I have bad credit and tried for 3 years to get the surgery. The only way I was able to was because I won a little money. But if I had started making payments the moment I decided I wanted the surgery, I may have been able to do it sooner. I would start making payments right away because you can always pay it off sooner if you find another way! I wish you the best of luck!!
  11. tyme4change
    It is totally worth it! May 11th will be 2 months since i was sleeved by Dr Almanza and I have lost 90 lbs. And I feel great.
  12. MsMoe
    I borrowed from my 401k. Very low interest. Great option for me!! Good luck!
  13. Sleevedlife
    You dont need good credit you just need to be determined.
    I decided to have my surgery a few months ago and i am paying monthly only 2 pymts left and i can tell you i do not have good credit and never thought of myself as a Saver...I was actually a big spender ive learned a few things about myself in this journey and it is very empowering my date is Sept 17 and i cannot wait!
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