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July 10th sleeve surgery date

  1. K8tie1
    FINALLY got approved after 3 years in the process with my insurance co. Now 7/10 is my date for gastric sleeve. Of course I am second guessing myself and very concerned! I am 64 so that could be a minus for me in the recovery process. But eliminating high blood pressure, type 2and now sleep apnea are a very positive plus in making the decision to do this. I just want healthy numbers. I am starting at 235 lbs. not looking forward to the slim milk diet for two weeks!!! How did that work for everyone? How was the day or two after surgery? I have a very supportive husband so he is my ace in my hand. Wish dieting was an answer for me but it never has been. Lose and then regain and a little extra in the process!!!
  2. Mylifeinpink
    K8~ You will be wonderful and you will love being sleeved!
    Having your husband by you will be the most incredible part! At least it was for me! I can't even begin to say how thankful I was to have mine!!!
    The day or two after surgery was terrible, in my opinion, but again, thank GOD for my wonderful husband!!!
    Excited for you!!!!!!!
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