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Two week chk up-progress

  1. Lirpa
    I had my two week check up yesterday. My doc says my weight loss is right on target, about a pound a day. That I can start eating puréed foods now. Need some ideas of food to purée. The thought of baby food meat gags me.
    I've lost a total of 30 pounds since May 22 and had my sleeve on June 25.

    How have you all done so far?
  2. msKoach
    I had my sleeve on the 27th of June. Am down 17lbs as of my appt yesterday. The doctor told me to move onto the mushy/soft food phase but to take it slow. I'm mostly pureeing soup and eating yogurt/cottage cheese still. I won't touch baby food meat.
    Congrats on your weight loss!
  3. mwilson05
    Yogurt, cottage cheese, my new favorite is tuna fish and even an egg... Oh and apple sauce sugar free
  4. MandaQ76
    Actually the baby food meet isn't that bad & it's 10g of protein. I just add a little salt and pepper.
  5. cake8188
    Sleeved on 6/11/13. Four weeks today.
    I ate pudding, yogurt, Mashed taters -sometines with some cheese melted in, - drank the protein shakes OR ATkins shakes (they have 15 protein grams per 11 ounces.) .

    After 2 weeks I ended up with a week of pretty intense nausea ... a little set back. Must drink enuf fluids , take all vitamins,
    EAT SLOW small bites. Not happy to have the week of nausea - but i'm sure it will subside . This is the time for best weight loss achievement.
    Best of luck to all.
  6. Kelli D
    Kelli D
    Be careful with the baby food fruits.........they are high in carbs! Good luck with the puree. You have some good examples above for the puree foods!
  7. MrsB0324
    I enjoyed mashed pototoes, baked yams, mashed chick peas with garlic, baked flounder, whitefish salad, and cottage cheese.
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