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im pulling out of this group seems NO ONE wants to help or give advise i sure hope for future pepscit changes

  1. cinniwalk
    Blah blah blah
  2. cinniwalk
    This sure doesnt give Dr Garcia the justice he deserves or needs i know obesity help is alot more help ful
  3. flowergirl
    Sorry to lose you but not sure what it is you want. I, plus others, have posted our experiences on here to let everyone know what to expect. Dr. Garcia is not affliated with this group, just those of us who have used him. We all gave good reviews on him and his staff. I started the group because there was not one on here for him. I don't check this ever night....too busy living a new life of activities that I had lost to being overweight. If you want certain questions answered I will be happy to try to answer them. If you want someone to hold your hand and talk every night....maybe you should go to a Facebook or Twitter account website. Sorry. Take care. Lisa
  4. flowergirl
    Sorry to lose you but not sure what it is you want. I, plus others, have posted our experiences on here to let everyone know what to expect. Dr. Garcia is not affliated with this group, just those of us who have used him. We all gave good reviews on him and his staff. I started the group because there was not one on here for him. I don't check this ever night....too busy living a new life of activities that I had lost to being overweight. If you want certain questions answered I will be happy to try to answer them. If you want someone to hold your hand and talk every night....maybe you should go to a Facebook or Twitter account website. Sorry. Take care. Lisa
  5. mac
    I appreciate your posts! I have my surgery with Dr. Garcia on 3/31. Your information has eased my mind. BTW - do they do any type of exam before the surgery? If so, what does it entail? Can my husband be with me every step of the way leading up to the actual surgery? TX!
  6. flowergirl
    Yes, your husband can stay with you up to surgery, then in recovery there is a glass window he can see you to make sure you come out ok. When I checked in to the room, they did an EKG, I think, and a blood pressure test, asked some questions, and that was all. Before ever going there, I filled out a complete paper on my past medical history and surgeries. That went through before I was ever accepted for surgery. I had no problems at all except the first day or so after surgery and that was the gas pains. But if you walk enough and move around, you can get rid of those. They will give you pain meds or anything else you need. They take very good care of you. Good luck and take care. Let us know how it goes. Lisa
  7. thefenixrd
    Hi everybody!
    I start all the paper work with Alma, since friday, yesterday I sent to her all what she need and my date is April 13, I can't believe
  8. flowergirl
    Good for You!! You will be very happy that you made this choice and be healthier for it, too. Let us know on this group forum how you are doing and if you have any questions that any of us can answer. Take care. Lisa
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