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Hey Y'all! Please Help!

  1. MissersK
    Ok. It has been a while since I posted either on my page or in here, so I figured I'd do an update. My best friend and I had intended on beginning our journey and seeing it through together; however, due to her insurance she was able to have the surgery last Thursday. We have a one week pre-op diet that allowed her to lose 10 lbs. Since surgery she has lost an additional 11 pounds!! Seeing her numbers has me extremely excited, but with excitement comes fear. Here I am, 2 months into my physician monitored diet(3rd visit at the beginning of December). I haven't really lost weight, but have made a conscious effort in changing several aspects of my daily living. For one, I am a previous smoker. I began smoking at 18 and am now 27. I quit smoking tobacco cigarettes over a month ago I did switch to an electronic cigarette that I am weening my nicotine dependency on(started out w/ 24mg and down to 21mg). I am trying to make a switch from "Regular" Coca~Cola and Dr. Pepper to their alternative "Unleaded" versions.. This has proven tough for me. I don't mind the taste of the counter parts, but it is the rerouting my brain for the better choice. I have made healthier food choices that are not only budget friendly, but better for me. As a dispatcher with a decent sized law enforcement agency, sometimes are tougher than others to get something to eat. On a typical day, I'd order out and just have officers stop by and pick it up. Now I am more conscious about it. I'd prefer to either cook at home or stock up on Lean Cuisines and call it a day. I do find it difficult to stop my urge to eat Peanut M&Ms, so if any one has an ideas for this or an alternative I'd greatly appreciate some input! Below is a short account of what I had witnessed my friend go through. I have several questions about her experience and would appreciate any advice to help prevent these after my surgery.

    Now, as I said earlier, my friend's journey received a kick start. On her 7 day, liquid diet, she had many struggles. Granted, she didn't cheat, but she felt hungry constantly and had several melt downs. Does anyone have any advice? I've decided that I'm going to be a little more prepared and stock up on some protein drinks for that 7 days so I don't feel hungry, but I'm terrified of "head hunger". How do you deal with that? Also, she has been a smoker longer than me and did not quit! She refused to until I scared her into believing the doctor would test her for it. She smoked up until the night before her surgery. I'm not sure if her pain after was in reference to the smoking, but I've almost convinced myself it was(just to not pick the habit back up). Once she was moved to her room and before she could move off the transport bed onto her hospital bed, she had to walk(dr's orders). She walked one lap and described herself to be in terrible pain. Not just from the incisions but her breasts were hurting tremendously. I account this to being gas. Later on that night, she made two more laps and was still in misery. The next day she had her swallow test and was released. She still complains of terrible pains in her breast and upper abdomen(not soreness as is expected, but honest pain). Is there anything I can do aside from walking as much as possible to prevent this? Now here it is day 5 after surgery and she has been trying to eat. I do my best to tell her to hold off that her stomach is not prepared to digest solid foods, but she still insists on "tasting" food. She's already ate small bites of fried pork chop, macaroni & cheese, noodles, etc... I am deathly afraid that I will follow suit. I have tried to not be judgmental because I am not in her shoes yet. My battle with "head hunger" and cravings hasn't begun, but when it does I want to be better prepared to follow orders to a "T".

    Any ways, that is the gist of my story and fears. Also, not only do I need the above advice, but could someone offer insight on how to help keep my friend on track? She came so far and I refuse to not help her succeed.

  2. Melinda2
    Wow-- regarding your friend she needs to understand that her tasting this eArly on could cause real p
    Medical problems as the incision needs to heal, she is in danger of a leak at the incision. I was sleeved 2 weeks ago and went on the the pre-op diet 2 weeks before the surgery. I lost 17 pds before the surgery And another 15 since the surgery. I am struggling with the psychoigal need to eat - especially so close to thanksgiving and Christmas . I went on line and purchased e-books on coping with the emotional issues after barratric surgery which have helped. I also plan on attending the support group available. As I've heard many times this surgery is not about weight loss it's an emotional issue. Also start looking at new ways to distract yourself- reading, sewing etc.
    Good luck, hope I helped a little
  3. MissersK
    Thank you Melinda2! I think she may be learning her lesson. She hasn't snacked today due to the immense pain she feels. I try to remind her to just hold off. Her stomach will be pseudo normal in a couple weeks and then she can try. As for the head hunger, do you have any specific e-books that have helped? I want to be prepared for the pre-op and post op diets. I'm so afraid of failing.
  4. Aleena
    I been smoke free for 4months now. I quit 2months before surgery it was tough since my fiance smokes so he helped me by not smoking in the house or near me. It bothers me now when he kisses me and I smell the nicotine so I thank God I maintain like this..don't want to go back to smoking don't need it don't want it...I was tested 2weeks prior surgery the nicottine level was low so luckily I was able to have surgery because most doctors will not do the surgery if they see you haven't quit. Best of luck to you and your friend needs to quit and take it easy she is playing with her health plus she can have a leak and it might be worst.
  5. cokegirl
    Hello, I am new to tis group I am almost 3 weeks post surgery and I am having a difficult time eating. I hate yogurt, and dislike cottage cheese I don't know what to eat so I'm finding I am hardly eating anything. I know this isn't good for me anyone have any suggestions? Also my vitamins are so important but, I'm struggling there too. Please help w/ ideas for me. Thanks
  6. wvrnsson
    I hope you do realize that before surgery, you won't just need to change from "leaded" soda to "unleaded", but that you need to get off soda altogether, at least until your stomach heals and then it will need to be flat diet soda that you drink, if you drink any at all. I wish you luck on your journey. I'm off soda and caffeine and am now waiting for my insurance to approve my surgery.
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