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Clothes Swap

  1. kellyjdavis78
    I was thinking after I read the inital post that maybe an organized clothes swap thread would help?

    People are at different stages of the journey every day. Some people's start weight may be my 6 months out. I was wondering if maybe we could organize some kind of a swapping thread?? Maybe organize several different threads by size?

    Anybody interested?

  2. MysticalMaybe
    Sounds good to me... or maybe a buy by the pound/box or something... I don't have very many clothes and I have been big so long that some of my clothes are not worth swaping. I have throw many of them away because of rips or they are just to worn out. As you can tell I can't afford very many clothes. all my money goes to my daughter so It would be nice to start something for us to swap or buy.
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