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3 & 1/2 month check in!

  1. Angelic1
    Been a while since I checked in. I have stabilized. I rarely spit up any more & I tolerate most foods well. I still have an issue with milk though. I have lost 51lbs since I started my journey. From 316 to 265. I am feeling great physically most of the time. I still feel fatigue from time to time but not as much as I did before I had the surgery. My appearance has improved, my body scent has improved, my sleep apnea is subsiding, blood pressure has stabilized & I am no longer on medication for it. I used to have frequent migraines, haven't had nearly as many. I anticipate they will continue to decrease as the weight comes off & the sleep apnea improves. I have lost 2 full clothing sizes & gained so much confidence. My sex life has improved a surprising amount as well. The only issue I have experienced is hair loss. I understand it will come back but it really sucks because my hair is already so thin & fine. Bottom line? This is the best 5 grand I have ever spent in my life. So grateful to Dr Almanza & staff for changing my life.
    Way to go girl keep up the good work you are so worth it. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I am so happy that Dr Almanza help change your life I will be going for surgery on July 22 Wow can't be so happy the day is coming so quick. Well thats it for now God Bless.

  3. Sleevedlife
  4. Truffles
  5. RoDean
    Amazing!! You are doing fabulous, I am very excited for you. So glad all your medical problems seem to be disappearing. Keep up the awesome job!!
  6. roscows mom
    roscows mom
    Congrates on the weight loss start taking biotin for the hairloss it works awesome
  7. Pamrocks54
    Congratulations, I can't wait to start losing!
  8. elisamae
    Congratulations on the weight loss!
  9. Angelic1
    I have been taking biotin since before I had my sleeve to prepare because people on here said it would help or prevent hair loss. Alas it made no difference, but I still take 5000 mcg a day anyhow. I am really worried if I stop it might all fall out!
Results 1 to 9 of 9