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The sleeved side of life!

  1. ElemPrincipal
    Got out of recovery and into my room at about 1.... Already doing hall walking and feeling pretty good...I continue to pray for this type is success! Not going to lie though...as soon as I came out of surgery I was cussing myself for deciding to go through with...bad pain only lasted about an hour . Hope all other July 11th sleeves doing well!
  2. Kasrocks
    Amazing!! Congrats good luck and happy healing.
  3. moni7744
    Ya you sound like you're doing better than I did!
  4. Sleeved38
    Congrats! Glad you are doing well!
  5. jleecole
    Great! Good to hear you are doing well!
  6. PitPat
    Congratulations!!!! I hope you continue to do well.
  7. Genia1021
    That is fantastic! I did not walk until my second day it took awhile to get that pain medication out of my system. Once I started it was no stopping me from walking. Keep up the good work and welcome to the other side.
  8. LisaNunu
    Congratulations! This kind of great news is giving me hope! I admit I was getting pretty nervous with some of the complications happening - so glad you are doing well!
  9. Bluto
    Congrats!!! Any first / second day folks reading this, the best advice is get up and walk walk walk. You feel crappy but the walking gets that gas out. The burping hurt but afterwards it's such a relief.
  10. Narasweet
    Just out of hospital today..travelling quite well, staying with friends until Friday, then the weekend with other friends who are dog sitting our Bitz, then home again Sunday.

    Hugs to each one of you...I wrote a blog today as well if you would like to read it
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