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  1. hope4me
    Hi everyone. My name is Kathy. I'm the mother of three, I'm a grandmother and great grandmother. I'm married to a wonderful man. I love meeting others. My desire is to regain my health.I'm also a Texan ha ha.
  2. sassylassie
    Hi Kathy and everyone. My name is Sandi and I am a mother of 2. I am not a Grandma YET I am also married to a wonderful man. I am scheduled for my surgery on 12/12/12, which is also our wedding anniversary. My husband will be going to TJ with me. I live in Alberta, Canada. Right now we have a ton of snow and it is cold! I hate snow! So is everyone else getting excited, nervous, scared, etc... like me?
  3. AngelNP
    Hi Kathy,
    Welcome to the group!
  4. hope4me
    Hello ladies ,sassy I've been over there a few times. I'm a truck driver, team with hubby. and Thanks for the welcome Angel.
  5. WandaLeaner
    Hi All, I'm Wanda, Mother of three daughters, and my boys have fur (love my furbabies). Im doing this to flush my BP pills down the toilet. I've been big all my life, and doing this to get healthy, and to see what it's like to look good in clothes. I live in Newfoundland Canada, (WHere"????) and we are having a great fall. My Surgery Date is Dec 3rd and starting to get a bit freaked out. In September 2013 I'll be doing a marathon for Arthritis Research in Tamarindo Beach Costa Rica! Love to have some of you join me therE!!!
  6. beckster
    I'm so happy to learn more about you all. I am a teacher in FL. I have a beautiful 11 year old daughter and a gorgeous fire fighter hubby. I have been on the roller coaster of weight loss/weight gain since I was 15 years old. I am 42 now. Just sick of it and want to be healthier and happier. Yes, I also want to flush my bp and cholesterol meds down the drain! My surgery date is 12-5-12. I am very nervous, but so excited as well. I know this is the "reset" that I need! I'm so glad I found this site and group. I do think we can support and help each other.
  7. Savagels650
    Hey, there from Kansas! My name is Sheryl and I am nearly 58 yrs. old. I have 3 grown sons and 5 grandaughters. I also have 4 steps w/12 more grands. I teach Sunday school to toddlers age 18 mo. - 3 yrs. and drive the church bus on Wed. nights. I ride a Suzuki Savage LS 650 motorcycle. I have a really cool job running a couple of CNC machines. Truthfully, I don't know if I can make it to retirement at my current weight or worse! I also take BP meds. and arthritis meds. and Lyrica (that's a really nasty one for side affects) for nerve damage because of my weight. I'm thinking it won't be too much longer before I will have diabetes as well. I'm gettin' off right here, right now! I will see some of you in Mx the first week of Dec. and wishin' everyone safe surgery. ttyl, Sheryl
  8. Savagels650
    Hey, there from Kansas! My name is Sheryl and I am nearly 58 yrs. old. I have 3 grown sons and 5 grandaughters. I also have 4 steps w/12 more grands. I teach Sunday school to toddlers age 18 mo. - 3 yrs. and drive the church bus on Wed. nights. I ride a Suzuki Savage LS 650 motorcycle. I have a really cool job running a couple of CNC machines. Truthfully, I don't know if I can make it to retirement at my current weight or worse! I also take BP meds. and arthritis meds. and Lyrica (that's a really nasty one for side affects) for nerve damage because of my weight. I'm thinking it won't be too much longer before I will have diabetes as well. I'm gettin' off right here, right now! I will see some of you in Mx the first week of Dec. and wishin' everyone safe surgery. ttyl, Sheryl
  9. Savagels650
    Hey, there from Kansas! My name is Sheryl and I am nearly 58 yrs. old. I have 3 grown sons and 5 grandaughters. I also have 4 steps w/12 more grands. I teach Sunday school to toddlers age 18 mo. - 3 yrs. and drive the church bus on Wed. nights. I ride a Suzuki Savage LS 650 motorcycle. I have a really cool job running a couple of CNC machines. Truthfully, I don't know if I can make it to retirement at my current weight or worse! I also take BP meds. and arthritis meds. and Lyrica (that's a really nasty one for side affects) for nerve damage because of my weight. I'm thinking it won't be too much longer before I will have diabetes as well. I'm gettin' off right here, right now! I will see some of you in Mx the first week of Dec. and wishin' everyone safe surgery. ttyl, Sheryl
  10. hazarley
    Hi there! My name is Heathyr and I'm in Ohio. I've got a 12 year-old son named Henry, a 9 year-old step-son named Jaegar, I've been married to my husband Mike for 2 years and I need to get healthy to keep up with all of them! My husband and I are considering trying for a baby in 2013...but that's a long way from here and now. I am having surgery with Dr. Almanza on Dec.3rd and honestly, I'm a little nervous now. The closer it gets, the more real it becomes. I am bringing my step-mom with me. Does anyone know if the new recovery house will be ready by then?
    I loom forward to sharing this journey with you.
  11. hazarley
    Hi there! My name is Heathyr and I'm in Ohio. I've got a 12 year-old son named Henry, a 9 year-old step-son named Jaegar, I've been married to my husband Mike for 2 years and I need to get healthy to keep up with all of them! My husband and I are considering trying for a baby in 2013...but that's a long way from here and now. I am having surgery with Dr. Almanza on Dec.3rd and honestly, I'm a little nervous now. The closer it gets, the more real it becomes. I am bringing my step-mom with me. Does anyone know if the new recovery house will be ready by then?
    I loom forward to sharing this journey with you.
  12. FirstLady
    Hey everyone! I am Tiffaney from Atlanta, GA. I am 40 years old and have been struggling with my weight for many years. I knew it was time for me to make some changes when the pain in my knees and hips have become terrible because of the weight. I have been married for 19 years. We have 3 daughters, 1 son and 2 grandchildren. My surgery is scheduled for 12/4/12. I will be going to Tijuana alone so that my husband can stay home with the children. Dr. Alejandro Lopez is my dr. Although I have had about 8 surgeries I am still very nervous. I have decided that I would like to keep my surgery private. i dont want to hear any negativity from family, church family or work. I am so glad to meet all of you and I wish you well!
  13. hope4me
    so happy to meet you guys. Now doesn't it feel great knowing that you are not going to be alone on this journey. I Thank god for you. I no longer feel alone. And Tiffaney I agree with what you have said. I decided not to tell eighter . I don't want the neg. My huband and son alone with my granddaughter knows they are very supportive of me. and I'm good with that. I will be going alone and I don't have a problem with that. I too have had several surgeies but Nothing like this one. so I'm like doing a lot of thnking. and still looking forward to my day.
  14. jewelspuma
    Hi everyone! My name is Julie and I live in washington state. I have a 30 year old son, a great husband, one cat and two dogs I like better than people sometimes. (LOL) I am having my surgery on december 3rd in mexico with Dr. almanza. I want to walk up stairs without being winded, to be able to buy clothes any where, to live longer and to feel better. I am hoping this is the way to do it.
  15. Elbie
    Hey all! I am Elbie, 34 years old, from Boston. I've been overweight for most of my life and also have a physical disability that has left my legs weak and my left foot / leg partially paralyzed. I try not to let that stop me. I am doing this surgery to be healthier in general and also there is a part of me that hopes that if I lose weight, I can help stabilize the nerve damage I have as well by relieving pressure on my back. I also have a significant family history of cardiac disease etc and I do not want to go down that road too.

    Emotionally, I am scared / nervous but also hopeful and excited. I historically have not had good willpower and I am hoping that the restriction of the sleeve can help me to learn. I KNOW it is going to be HARD and I am sure I will go through a period of grief and buyers remorse afterwards, but I also feel that this is my best chance to have a long, healthy life. I cannot wait to get started!
  16. ChrisJ
    Hi, I'm Chris and I live in Mid-Michigan. I am 67, married to my high school sweetheart (2 yrs - a lovely story), with a son, daughter-in-law and a too cute grand-daughter. Dr. James Foote of Grand Health Partners in Grand Rapids, Mi is doing my surgery on December 11. Like all of you, I want to flush the meds down the toilet, wear attractive clothes instead of cover-ups, and live as long of a life as I can with the love of my life.
  17. hope4me
    hello to all of the new members and welcome. I do hope you'll find the support here as we are the Dec family now.Lol so come when you can. Look forward to seeing you soon.
  18. JENGAR
    Hello my name is Jennifer, I have 2 beautiful children, I am a nurse practitioner my specialty is women and childbirth. I have been considered chunky all my life, have never been really thin nor very heavy, I have a good workout routine but have always struggled to maintain a normal weight according to BMi, have always stayed in the overweight category and every year I pack on a few more pounds. The only way I can seem to lose weight is taking diet pills that seems to make my blood pressure higher then it already is, I have moderate to severe arthritis so I can feel the extra weight on my joints, I always feel better when I get some weight off but then seem to gain it back, so like everyone else I am tired of the viscous cycle and I am so looking forward to a tool to help me! I will be having on 12/10/2012 with dr alamanza, I'm excited and scared all at the same time
  19. hope4me
    Jengar welcome to the club dear. I know all to well what you are saying. I don't have as much as some have to loose. However my weight is out of control and like you I have tried pills ect.. only to gain more back. My health is begainning to suffer from all of this. My primary Doc said no one would touch me. But I found out that if you can come up with the money you can get what you need. I'm so thankful for this chance to get things right with my health and I pray that we all get to the place that we need to be. and Dang girl. Look at that we are having our surgery on the same day and the same Dr.
  20. donnab
    Hi all.
    My name is Donna and my surgery is 12/12 with Dr.Mario Alamanza. I have fought the weight all my life. I still remember dieting when I was 14years old. I am 50 years old and have had my first grandchild 15months ago. I have been married for 30 years to a wonderful man that has loved me at all different sizes. We have a son and a daughter. I do have a history of heart disease in my family and have been luckey so far. My decision to do this procedure is many reasons; health ; I want to see my daughter graduatefrom college and get married ; see my grandbaby grow up ; my son and beautiful daughter n law and my husband. Thanks in advance for the support
  21. hope4me
    Hello Donna and welcome to the family. we will be here for each other. Look on the list you maybe having your surgery on the same day as another member. I know I will be able to meet you as I will be there when you get there. Here's to nothing but better things for all of us.
  22. JENGAR
    I am so excited for everyone that we are all choosing to change our lives for the better!
  23. Scutles
    Hi, my name is Tracey. I am from central Florida, I am married and have 3 children ages 10,12 & 14. I am having surgery on 12/3/2012 as long as my oncologist gives me clearance. I am a Breast/Brain cancer survivor and cannot wait to get to a healthy weight!! I hope to get thru this surgery and difficult phases of dieting without any complications
  24. hope4me
    HI tracey, and welcome. You have been through some things. I hope all stays in your favor. I too look forward to getting to a healthy weight.
  25. kenbill1
    Hi Everyone! My name is Kenisha and I'm a Texan. My surgery date is 12/10/12 and I'm excited and nervous at the same time. I have struggled with my weight for most of my life and I'm ready to get rid of high blood pressure and diabetes. Also, I'm ready to start a family with my husband. Good luck to everyone on our marvelous journey!
  26. hope4me
    Hi Kenisha. and welcome. You and I share the same day for surgery I 'm excited also I look forward to nothing but better things for all of us. And hey feel welcome to start thread and just say what you feel or maybe if you find helpful information and want to share feel free to do so.bTake care.
  27. meggie_pooh96
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Megan and my surgery is booked for 12-3-12 in TJ with Dr.Alejandro Lopez. I am 26 years old and I have a 3 year old little Princess. I live in Northern Alberta operating equipment. Ive been overweight most of my life, yo-yoing between 186lbs-282lbs since I was about 15. My Dad died when I was 10 years old, thats when I started to see the lbs pack on. My Dad died of a massive heart attack at the age of 35.. so as my age creeps up there Im beginning to feel more and more anxious about my weight. In the past few years Ive been having severe trouble with my back and mostly my hip. Ive recently went through a divorce from my little girls daddy. Although we've remained friends, the toll of the divorce has been devastating.. Gaining 80lbs in 9 months that I had lost the previous year after our daughter was born. I want to lose this weight for myself and my little girl. All of the above has led me to the decision to finally have the sleeve done. Praying it all works out as planned and I dont lose my hair! Thanx to every last one of u for walkin with me on this journey and sharing ur experiences! xoxoxox
  28. hope4me
    Hi Megan. pleased to meet you. Look like you and a few others are going to be my forerunner with this surgery, So I know you guys will have a lot to share with us, Here's to better things ahead.
  29. heavyduty4669
    Hi everyone! My name is Matt and I am a 46 yr.old over the road trucker with no children and a divorce behind me!lol I am thinking that the pre-op liqiud diet will prove to be a challenge as I move from state to state at work.I will be working until the friday before my monday surgery date.They are telling me that I should be able to go back to work in a couple of weeks after my surgery.I hope so,as I own my own truck and if you don't go truck'in,you can't pay the bills!LOL I have already learned a lot on this site and made some new friends.I feel that for myself as well as you all.....we are at a life changing point in our lives.Ain't it GREAT! lol
  30. scarletjob@yahoo.com
    Hey Kathy, our time is winding down. I am super excited and scared.....But I'm ready for a change!!!
  31. scarletjob@yahoo.com
    My surgery is scheduled for 12-11-12
  32. hope4me
    Hi There glad you made it. We all will be sharing the same common goal. Here's to nothing but better things ahead. Feel free to say what's on your mind or share whatever you like.
  33. ~Fawn
    Hi there from Minnesota! My name is Fawn, I have 2 grown kids and 2 small dogs. I am single, unemployed (looking though), and unhealthy (well, just over weight). The weight has caused issues with my feet and if I want to truly be productive at my next employment opportunity, I need to lose some. I look forward to networking and maybe getting a bit of support here as I cannot (ok, will not) tell my kids and I have no other family local to me. I was supposed to have surgery on December 3rd, now I see in 'MyChart' they have changed it to December 10th. I look forward to conversing my way through this with you all. Good luck to you all!
  34. annc2966
    Hello from Louisiana! My "new birthday" is going to be December 19th. I'm nervous and anxious and excited all at the same time. I have 4 children ages 11-21 and am married to a boat captain. I'm a supervisor of special education for our school district. I've fought weight all of my life with my highest being 276. My goal is 170. Like some of you, I'm ready to get rid of some medicines and start feeling better. I'm looking forward to sharing our journeys with you.
  35. hope4me
    Hello Fawn & Ann happy you found yourselves here. I'm hoping that we all end up being very active. As you know this is getting ready to be a life changing event for all of us. I know I will be welcoming all the help I can get. Just trying to stay encouraged. So feel free to make use of this board. And Ann did you and Fawn find the post about important dates. This will help me keep up with your day. and also Fawn I see you will be sleeved on the same day as Jen and I. But we want to make sure we don't miss anybody date. take care. Look forward to hearing from you guysw when you can come.
  36. Latina1979
    Hello Everyone! My Name is Ana Maria and I am in the Bronx NY. I have a 6 yr old son as well as a 1 yr old son. I have been married to my husband for 2 years but we have been together for 8 years. I just got my surgery date-----> December 18th and I am so freaking excited!!!! I am also scared....but I know this is the best choice for me. I need to be healthy for my boys.....I feel like I am a ticking time bomb....Diabetes and high blood pressure run in both sides of my family but I am blessed in that I am not suffering with either ailments. However if I continue with this weight I feel as if eventually I will have both of those diseases. I defn need the emotional support while going through this process and is looking forward to providing support to you guys as well
  37. Hope1970
    Hello everyone! My surgery date is the 18th in Houston, Tx with Dr. Bonnor. I am SO EXCITED!!!
  38. Erin78
    Hi! My name is Erin. I'm a mother of 5 from Ohio. I have been with my husband since we were 15 so he's seen me at every size lol. I lost a brother 2 years ago from a massive heart attack and my husband had a stroke this summer so I made my mind up that I HAVE to be healthy. My surgery is December 10th and I can wait!
  39. Sweet flower
    Sweet flower
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Jasmine. I'm from southwestern Ontario, married with two lovely daughters. One in high-school and one just grade one. I have my surgery booked in Mexico with Dr Jose Rodriguez on Jan 6. Like all of u I share similar feelings and goals. I also feel with u all about being on a roller coaster with weight loss.
    I'm now at 270lbs. And hope to achieve 150lbs. I started the pre op diet today. I read about the liver being enlarged and the drs not being able to perform the surgery , that freaked me out a bit. I pray every day everything goes well and I pray for all of u. I hope we stay with each other to support each other. Thank you soo much.
  40. Lucci
    Hello All, my surgery is scheduled on 12-12-12 with Dr. Ben-Meir. I am from Ohio and enjoy life with my partner of 20 years and our 4 fur babies. I know I am supposed to be thinking about the "healthy issues" and I am, but I'll be honest, it's about the cloths and riding roller coasters for me, lol! There is so much i want to do, travel, hike, bike ride, fit in seats, the list goes on and on. Everyone here understands what I am talking about. I am tired of watching people live the life I want to live, hence my decision to have this surgery. I want to wish everyone here the best of luck, you are all in my prayers. I look forward to getting to know you and to have each other as support.
  41. sweetee1213630
    Hello All! Ny name is Stephanie. My surgery is scheduled for 12-11-12. I am from Bear, DE. I am a single mother to two beautiful daughters ages 16 and 6 (she'll be 7 on Dec 4) I am super excited to be so close to surgery! I'm a little nervous but am not allowing negative thoughts disrupt this happy time! According to the doctor I need to lose 170lbs. I am looking forward to getting back into the 100's. Its been about 8 years since I was 199lbs! In the last 4 years I have dabbled into the 300's lbs. I can not wait to start feeling better and looking better. I want to be healthy, set a good example for my kids, and live a long time!
  42. hope4me
    Hello and welcome to all of you that has arrived since I last visited. I'm hoping that we can learn something from each other. Be here for each other as we take on this journey to turning our lives around for the better. I look forward to hearing from all of you as we continue onward. Be blessed.
  43. hope4me
    I notice there are more new membesr who have not yet visit this thread, Just want to send a warm welcome to you. And to say feel free to share what's on your mind, Start a new thread if you like. We will love hearing from you. We are all in this together.
  44. smartycat1
    Hey All. My name is Marty Miller 58 year old woman from Owensboro Ky. I too have a surgery date for 5th of December.I wouldnt be honest if I said I wasnt nervous. Being in the Medical Field I have studied and wandered and prayed . I mean Im afraid to get the sleeve done. And worse, Im scared not to. Everybody else feel that way?
  45. kr_peanut
    Hello everyone!! My name is Rachel, I am from Cincinnati, OH I am 33 years old. I have two beautiful children 5 & 7, and have been married to my high school sweetheart Kevin for 9 years. I am scheduled for surgery on December 17th, at JourneyLite Surgery Center. I am a little nervous but overall very excited.
  46. no more insecurities
    no more insecurities
    OMG! I'm not sure how to feel, but I can't wait to do this. I am having surgery December 17 by Dr. Ariel Ortiz. Please tell me someone else is going around that time??? Everything seems to be happening so fast, yet this is how I like it...otherwise I would wimp out and over-think the decision (if possible more than I already am)!
    Also, I haven't told anyone. Either time hasn't been right, interrupted by my child, etc. I did breach the subject with my BF and his response was ZZZZZzzzz
    sound asleep. The next morning he said, "I had a horrible dream my GF was going to Mexico for some type of surgery". That went well.
    Truth be told, I already sent off my deposit and am not looking back. I live in Southern California, if I were to tell my mom..she would want to go with ~ yet at this point, there is not enough time for her to get a passport. I think it would be worse on her to "know" and not be able to be there for me. Perhaps I'll wait till after?
    This is the perfect (and only) time for me to do it. My child goes with her dad on Christmas vacation for a week (I am a single mom) and this will be the only week I can concentrate on just "me". Sorry for rambling...so many thoughts and questions!
  47. hope4me
    Hello you guys and welcome to the group. We are in this together.
  48. DizExhaled
    Hi everyone! Im Dawn, 39 yrs old & i live in Philly. Single w/2 cats & 1 super crazy dog, lol! Just got the word today that insurance approved me and my surgery date is 12/20 with Dr Noel Williams. Having so many emotions right now, but i think the biggest is hopeful. Im hopeful that ill be off blood pressure meds, that ill no longer be pre-diabetic, that my knees & back wont hurt me all the time. What im most hopeful about is not hiding behind my weight anymore and having the opportunity to really get out and live life!!! Catching all the sales on regular sized clothes (that we never have in plus size) is a good incentive too! If anyone else has a 12/20 surgery date, please let me know! :-)
  49. hope4me
    Hello Dawn. and welcome. Fell free to just jump right in.
  50. hope4me
    Oh I meant feel free. and hey I can relate to what you have said about getting to enjoy life again. I really feel the same way.
  51. cindygb
    Smartycat1, I can totally relate! I am Cindy. I am 55 and I am a chiropractor. I spent 15 years eating my way through marriage to an alcoholic and now I need help. I am nervous to have most of my stomach removed! But know this is what can save me. My surgery is in TJ on Dec.15. Good luck to you and know that lots of us are feeling scared, excited, nervous, etc but also hopeful that this leads us to health.
  52. Amhazeleyes
    Hello Everyone, my name is Toni I am 42 years old and I am single mom of three kids; one is grown, I also have custody of my three grandchildren ranging from 2 years to 6 years old. I am a pretty busy person. I really want to have this surgery for many reasons but especially to have enough energy to be there for my family. I Also have High Blood pressure and would love to not take any medications.
  53. hope4me
    Hi there and welcome to the group. Here's to better health.
  54. BethJane
    Hi! I am Beth, 52 y.o. from WA State, scheduled for sleeve on Dec 20 with Dr. Almanza, I am married with three grown daughters and grandmother to 5. Super excited, but getting worried, too. I don't have any health problems other than slightly elevated BP and former smoker, but even that makes me super worried. I am really wanting to be able to stop hurting all the time... my feet hurt really bad, I stand all day, and my weight is killing me, I have the best shoes money can buy but it's the weight, its gotta come off.
  55. hope4me
    Hi Beth and welcome to the group.
  56. DizExhaled
    hi cindy, hi toni & hi beth! welcome!!!!!!
  57. KensBarbie
    HI All- I'm Rose, 43 yrs. young, married, 5 boys, 1 pug, 3 cats, nursing student--grad in May 2013 and future sleever! I live in Chandler, AZ and having my sleeve done on 12/18/12 at Banner Gateway hospital in Mesa, AZ by Dr. David Podkameni. Started preop liquids today! Cant wait to change my life!!
  58. Snookimz
    Hi everyone! My surgery is 12/18/12 I'm from Kansas too! I'm super excited about having this surgery and as ready as I think I can be! I started my liquid diet today so it's all becoming very real now!!
  59. DizExhaled
    Rose & Snook - welcome to the group! Looks like you both have the same surgery date, cool! :-)
  60. jackiew
    Hello from Oregon. My name is Jackie, I have been married to my high school sweetheart for 34 years and we have 3 grown sons, a 9 year old daughter and 6 precious grandchildren. I have been heavy all my life and am looking forward to starting my new "thin" life journey on December 26.
  61. DizExhaled
    Hi Jackie! Welcome to the December 2012 sleevers!!! Glad your here! :-)
  62. jackiew
    Thanks Dawn!
Results 1 to 62 of 62