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2 weeks post op

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I am a whole 15 lbs lighter since surgery! I still find myself not hungry, having to remind myself to drink the water/fluids. Its so hard to remember. I am cooking for my family, in fact, my husband says I cook better since I have been starved. LOL he's a comedian.

I feel great, I do notice a "full" feeling when I drink too fast or with thicker soups. My senses have changed also. BACON stinks now, its so nasty smelling! Milk isn't sitting well still. JELLO tastes crappy, the texture is not something I am able to tolerate, its nauseating. Also, I try not to overmix my protein drinks in my "magic bullet" blender. TOO MUCH AIR within the drink is really painful also. I had the hiccups last week for an hour. It worried me, so I called the Bariatric nurse line, and she said to take Gas-X and see what goes from there. She also said that hiccups weren't common with the sleeve, but it was scary, I worried more about my hiatal hernia repair than my stomach.

My diet has consisted of:

EAS shake in the morning, mid afternoon, and before bed. (total of 3)
coffee, tea, crystal light and some popsicles
Yogurt (like 1/2 of a little container)
I have also tried some other shakes, but the easiest to drink is the already made ones.

So, that's my two weeks in a nutshell!

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  1. Msvetrn's Avatar
    Thanks! I am so curious as to what is going to change as far as my taste buds and sense of smell. I am glad I don't have cook for anyone else...that must be difficult. I give everyone with a family a lot of credit!!
  2. slim&proud's Avatar
    I've lost the enthusiasm to cook since my op, normally i'd cook what i fancied but these days i don't fancy much so cooking seems a chore.

    The 1st thing i had to drink in the hospital the day of my op was a cup of tea, now i can't drink tea, it tastes awful. And i used to drink flavoured water which had sweetners instead of sugar and now i can't drink that either, it leaves a horrible taste on my tongue. -_-
  3. jerzeygirl's Avatar
    I don't like any protein drinks and I had the hiccups in the hospital after surgery something awful! My bariatric nurse said it's "normal". One of the things I find confusing about this surgery is the inconsistencies about what's "normal/abnormal" re: the side-effects. I'm thinking just like people, side effects are different. Even after 6 weeks post-op, I'm still feeling sick to my stomach and don't have much of an appetite. I have to force myself to eat and drink sometimes. I hear other people who have eaten chili, drank beer, etc. What am I doing wrong? I have lost 56 lbs though and that's a good thing!