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4 weeks till surgery

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May is arrived! Wow, it was quite fast! This month it will be crazy for me. My surgery is May 29th. But instead of working through it slowly and peacefully I have a crazy month. I will travel to california tomorrow (LA) and from there to SFO (this weekend) I will get back to chicago next tuesday. Not even a week after (next saturday) and I will go to ITaly for a wedding (9 days), In the middle of the italian stay I will start my pre-op diet!!! . The day after the wedding to be specific. My family is driving me crazy, as usual when I go back home they loose mathematical and temporal concept such as 1 week in Italy is made of 7 days and it is not possible to visit the whole family and go to a reahrsal dinner and a wedding in an island. My family is spread out in 5 different cities throughout Italy!!!! it is mathematically impossible. But I love them deeply and will always teach some math to them!!!

I am little conerned since I know I will struggle to get my exercise, my routine will be completely lost and I just hope I will be able to lose 5 more pounds!

About the surgery, I admit I am freaking out a little, it is a big jump and there is no way back. At work we are in the busiest time of the year and with all my travel I am having already so much to catch up that adding an extra month of slow work post op it will make my desk pile going to the roof! Not only I am sure I will be and need to be focusing on myself (for a change) and this means I will take some of my dedication to work away. Feeling little guilty about it (my shrink is so not making progress with me )

Well I will do all it takes to make me an healthy me and hope I will be able to manage my super demanding work and my super time- and devotion-consuming new life. You all have been a great inspiration and you all managed it, so I think I can too, right?

Well good luck to all of us


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  1. deeTX's Avatar
    sounds like things will fly by for you which will help the anxiety level. I just had my sleeve in 4.23 and I have a graduation luncheon and a wedding on may 19 and flying to Boston for my nephew's high school graduation. I have not even gotten back to work ( plan 5/7) I ahve not told many about surgery so I will have to be creative with my lack of eating excuses!!!! I dont worry too much about being tempted because I have been doing well while others are eating.
    Oh well I am rambling.................but Italy....how awesome!!! have a fabulous time and surgery will hopefully be a breeze
  2. BBARB's Avatar
    Congratulations on your surgery and on your nephew's graduation!
    I am sure the time will pass by fast and even tho I will not be able to eat my mama's lasagna (the best) because in pre-op I want to have the safiest surgery possible

    Thanks ofr the wishes
  3. 4linton's Avatar
    Lucky You! To have ended my binging days in Italy and the day after an Italian wedding would have been a dream for me. I know your not looking at it like that, but take this away with you. Log everything you do from now through the next year and see if there is not a BOOK in the works here. I can see it now....."SIZING UP MY LIFE TO ITALY!, and the road to a healthier me since then". You lucky, lucky girl you.
  4. BBARB's Avatar
    4linton, you are so right i am lucky. But since i am italian i tend to not appreciate my luck, take it for granted baing so tangled in details pf prot content and logistic!
  5. ALB-ZA's Avatar
    Just wanted to say hi because I have the same surgery date. Good luck with the travels. I went home (South Africa) for a month recently and decided that I wasn't going to overeat no matter how tempting the food was and how many family members were trying to feed me. I went to the beach for a walk/swim most days and ended up losing 4lbs. First weight loss on vacation ever. I think your 4 weeks will go by much faster than mine.
  6. BBARB's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ALB-ZA
    Just wanted to say hi because I have the same surgery date. Good luck with the travels. I went home (South Africa) for a month recently and decided that I wasn't going to overeat no matter how tempting the food was and how many family members were trying to feed me. I went to the beach for a walk/swim most days and ended up losing 4lbs. First weight loss on vacation ever. I think your 4 weeks will go by much faster than mine.
    So we are going to be surgery buddy! That is wonderful! Good job on your weight loss vacation. I m luke u so much into this game that i managed to loose dome lb in florida. I think the swim helped a lot.
    Looking forward to hear ur progress
