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Mother's Day

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I had a wonderful Mother's Day with my family yesterday. We went to my favorite restaurant for brunch, and only the start of my "treat yo self" day. Oh boy! I had steak and eggs with rosemary potatoes and 3 mimosas for lunch. Came home and had a bowl of blueberry cream pie ice cream followed by a slice of pizza. Took a nice long nap. Woke up and had a bag of famous Amos chocolate chip cookies and a bag of funions. Then it was dinnertime. Pasta bowl from Dominos and two chocolate lava cakes. Had some leftover roast and potatoes to top off my night.

I basically ate like that all week long. The scale definitely shows it, too. I weighed 115 a week and a half ago. This morning I'm at 121. Today I'll go back to behaving, and should have those pounds off within a few days as long as I'm vigilant. Not really stressing about it because I know I can get it off, but I am going to miss my snacks. Trip to Destin in two weeks and not busting out of my bathing suit > cookies... i think? Maybe. We'll see.

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and a happy Mother's Day for all you mamas.

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  1. AnnieG's Avatar
    What lovely photos! You have a beautiful family and its so lovely you spent the day with them! Snacks...mmm.
  2. Sandra3's Avatar
    Thanks for the lovely post Katrina!! Great to see you having fun with your beautiful family!

    Happy mother's day to you too!! in France it will be on the 26...just hoping for some nice weather, wish to grill some meat and enjoy the patio!
  3. Christie13's Avatar
    Happy Mother's Day Katrina!
  4. Aydensmomma's Avatar
    Love the blonde!!!!! You look great! Your girls look beautiful as well!!