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I'm Back-I've Missed You All-2019-Exciting Things-New House

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I'm back. I have missed you all! I consider you my friends. I have been so busy with all the house stuff. We accepted an offer on our house on February 19th. We did have things to do between accepting the offer and closing on March 25th. We had the damage inspection. Had a few minor things to do for that. Then we had the appraisal. Waiting to see what it came back at. Those two inspections were probably the most stressful things ever. Also, since people kept coming to the house, to include the buyers, we had to keep it like it was show ready. But now we are officially renting back our own house until our new build is complete. Since we had so many offers we got to really negotiate our terms. So it was worth all the stress.

Our new build is coming along really well. We had a meeting with our foreman today. We have our own inspector to make sure the build is going well. He did not find a single major deficiency. He did find a few things he said we should ask but they were more niceties versus necessities. He said the builder was doing a great job and he absolutely loved our floorplan. He is a very well respected inspector and has been doing it for 35 years. He also is someone who trains inspectors all over Texas so I feel confident with his findings. We are on track to be done around mid to late May. Our foreman specifically said the end of quarter is the end of May so they do not want to miss the house being done on time to meet their quarter goals. So, fingers crossed we get done on time. It could actually be quicker. I can tell you that our sales agent for the builder said the foremen like to say a later date so when they come in earlier they look like heroes so I am really hoping that it is more like the beginning of May. LOL. I am impatient. They have done a lot already. The main stuff is all done. The foundation, the framing, the plumbing, the electrical, the roof, the siding...they started insulation today. It is the drywall that starts soon and that is really going to determine the flow of the rest as apparently the drywall team is behind. I am putting up a picture bc I love this house so much!

Click image for larger version. 

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Views:	400 
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ID:	28217

The good thing is that despite being super busy and super stressed I have not let life derail me. I am still making sure I am eating right and exercising. I feel great. I still feel like a success story. I absolutely love my sleeved life. Here is a recent picture.

Click image for larger version. 

Name:	2019.jpg 
Views:	414 
Size:	1.51 MB 
ID:	28218

I am hoping now that the house has sold and we are just waiting on the new one to be done that things calm down a bit. We do go over to the new house daily to check on things so that is taking up some of my extra time but I am definitely ready to be back on here regularly. I have missed you all and hope you are all living your best life.

XOXOXOX, Christie

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  1. Dutchie's Avatar
    O honey, but you really ARE a success story, you look great!
    You are an inspiration to many of us, I am sure.
    I am glad for you you can keep your spirits up with all the stress that comes with selling and building a house.
    Is your new house far from the old one?
    It looks wonderful.
    And let me guess, the large room, is that going to be your gym?
    Only one and a half month to go... exciting!

    Glad to hear from you!
  2. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by DutchSleeve
    O honey, but you really ARE a success story, you look great!
    You are an inspiration to many of us, I am sure.
    I am glad for you you can keep your spirits up with all the stress that comes with selling and building a house.
    Is your new house far from the old one?
    It looks wonderful.
    And let me guess, the large room, is that going to be your gym?
    Only one and a half month to go... exciting!

    Glad to hear from you!

    Awww thanks! Actually, we will still have our gym set up in our garage because we like to run down the street between strength training sets. It is so exciting indeed. The new house is only about 2-3 miles from us so we are able to go to see it daily. Today they started our insulation and also installed our garage door. They set up the bricks on the side of the house so that means they will most probably start laying the bricks tomorrow!!
  3. Sandra3's Avatar
    Welcome back dear Christie!!!

    So happy to see you back!!
    I understand how busy and stressed out you must have been!! Been there last year!!!
    The house looks amazing!!! can't wait to see more photos when it's done!!

    Don't forget to take some me time and rest!!
    big hugs!!
  4. Stacey03's Avatar
    Yayyyy Christie, I am super excited about the house too!!!!! Hopefully it's ready early xx
  5. jerzeygirl's Avatar
    You look great and fit, Christie. I laughed because I have the same flooring in my living and dining room. Moving is stressful as we're getting our home ready to put up for sale in the upcoming spring of 2020 and planning on moving to Florida.

    It's a scary venture to move so far and I'm hoping all goes well and that I can "stay the course" without any undue stress eating while facilitating the process.

    Continued success and it's nice to see you back!
  6. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandra3
    Welcome back dear Christie!!!

    So happy to see you back!!
    I understand how busy and stressed out you must have been!! Been there last year!!!
    The house looks amazing!!! can't wait to see more photos when it's done!!

    Don't forget to take some me time and rest!!
    big hugs!!
    Thank you Sandra. It was such a crazy time. Actually, the hubby was the one stressing me out the most. He is lucky he has survived the whole ordeal as I was ready to choke him. Hahahaha men!!!
    I hope you are doing well!!
    Big hugs back at ya!!
  7. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Stacey03
    Yayyyy Christie, I am super excited about the house too!!!!! Hopefully it's ready early xx
    OMG yesssss. If it is late I will be soooo bummed out. I am ready to be done and get settled in. V graduates from high school on June 11th so we are hoping to be settled into the new house so when her dad, brother, and step mom come they can stay with us in the new place.

  8. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by jerzeygirl
    You look great and fit, Christie. I laughed because I have the same flooring in my living and dining room. Moving is stressful as we're getting our home ready to put up for sale in the upcoming spring of 2020 and planning on moving to Florida.

    It's a scary venture to move so far and I'm hoping all goes well and that I can "stay the course" without any undue stress eating while facilitating the process.

    Continued success and it's nice to see you back!
    Awww. Thank you! OMG yes getting a house ready to put on the market is so stressful. Especially if you and your spouse each want to do things your own way. Are you going to wait to buy in Florida until after you sale your current house? I think that was the added stress on my end. Because our new one was already under construction and we did not know if our house would sell fast or slow. Like we had no idea. Definitely did not expect to have offers less than 24 hours after putting it on the market. It was crazy. As for the floors, I picked a similar tile but lighter in the new house because it is neutral and classic.
  9. Sandra3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christie13
    Thank you Sandra. It was such a crazy time. Actually, the hubby was the one stressing me out the most. He is lucky he has survived the whole ordeal as I was ready to choke him. Hahahaha men!!!
    I hope you are doing well!!
    Big hugs back at ya!!
    OMG!!! I hear you sister!! I have the same at home!! during the move he was just stressing me out, and even stressing out the movers!!

    I was actually really sick since November, took a few specialists to figure out what was the issue, I just had my first surgery on March 1st, will get my second one in May, after that I should be OK!!
    Hubby did drive me crazy for weeks!! I was the one in pain for months, not able to breeze, pocked and tested for everything under the sun: he was the one complaining and being in a bad mood!!
    I know we had a few stressful months, but still...I only needed empathy and support...not a party pooper!!! Oh my!! I told him he was going to live in the other house if he didn't give me a break!!

    Now that we know what's wrong and that I'm really already better...he is nicer but really, feels like I have an extra kid at home sometimes!! men!!!

    I'm glad you are back!! missed you!! XX
  10. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandra3
    OMG!!! I hear you sister!! I have the same at home!! during the move he was just stressing me out, and even stressing out the movers!!

    I was actually really sick since November, took a few specialists to figure out what was the issue, I just had my first surgery on March 1st, will get my second one in May, after that I should be OK!!
    Hubby did drive me crazy for weeks!! I was the one in pain for months, not able to breeze, pocked and tested for everything under the sun: he was the one complaining and being in a bad mood!!
    I know we had a few stressful months, but still...I only needed empathy and support...not a party pooper!!! Oh my!! I told him he was going to live in the other house if he didn't give me a break!!

    Now that we know what's wrong and that I'm really already better...he is nicer but really, feels like I have an extra kid at home sometimes!! men!!!

    I'm glad you are back!! missed you!! XX

    Yesssssss!!! Exactly the same. Mine was in a bad mood and grumpy like everything was the end of the world. I was just trying to stay positive but a party pooper for sure. Sorry you had to deal with it and kudos to you for letting him live! I know I deserve a prize for letting mine live. hahaha. Glad they finally figured out what was wrong and things are going to be better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your next surgery and continued healing. Hugs!!!
  11. Sandra3's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Christie13
    Yesssssss!!! Exactly the same. Mine was in a bad mood and grumpy like everything was the end of the world. I was just trying to stay positive but a party pooper for sure. Sorry you had to deal with it and kudos to you for letting him live! I know I deserve a prize for letting mine live. hahaha. Glad they finally figured out what was wrong and things are going to be better. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for your next surgery and continued healing. Hugs!!!
    Thanks Christie!! I hope the stomach repair will be the end of my ordeal because it's been a long nightmare!!

    And you are right!!! we do deserve a big prize to deal with our negative husbands!!
    I don't know what possess them lately!!
    All negative about everything! everyone is always talking about menopause, but men in their 40's have their issues too!!

    I just had a doc visit at work, since we are supposed to leave next Summer (but with recent budget cuts, who knows any more what jobs will be available overseas) and HR wanted the doc approval since I'm currently in sick leave. Doc seemed reassured but my husband kept on telling me : you are sick, we're going to stay one more year in Paris!!
    I mean, even if we do, it's not like if I could cancel my surgery next month!! the current issue being that if I can't be at work in July, I might miss one compulsory training session, and without that one there's a few countries where we can't go (but many others where it won't be an issue).So we picked 3 countries, one might not work...big deal!!

    I told hubby that anyway, if I'm sick I'm going nowhere!

    Argh!!!I swear!!! I need chocolate!! but can't do!!!!
  12. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sandra3
    Thanks Christie!! I hope the stomach repair will be the end of my ordeal because it's been a long nightmare!!

    And you are right!!! we do deserve a big prize to deal with our negative husbands!!
    I don't know what possess them lately!!
    All negative about everything! everyone is always talking about menopause, but men in their 40's have their issues too!!

    I just had a doc visit at work, since we are supposed to leave next Summer (but with recent budget cuts, who knows any more what jobs will be available overseas) and HR wanted the doc approval since I'm currently in sick leave. Doc seemed reassured but my husband kept on telling me : you are sick, we're going to stay one more year in Paris!!
    I mean, even if we do, it's not like if I could cancel my surgery next month!! the current issue being that if I can't be at work in July, I might miss one compulsory training session, and without that one there's a few countries where we can't go (but many others where it won't be an issue).So we picked 3 countries, one might not work...big deal!!

    I told hubby that anyway, if I'm sick I'm going nowhere!

    Argh!!!I swear!!! I need chocolate!! but can't do!!!!
    Oh no. Hang in there. And you are right...men in their 40's.
  13. KiwiGal's Avatar
    What an exciting time for you Christie.
    You look fabulous and I love your positive posts.
    Looking forward to seeing photos of your new house when it is finished :-)
  14. Christie13's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by KiwiGal
    What an exciting time for you Christie.
    You look fabulous and I love your positive posts.
    Looking forward to seeing photos of your new house when it is finished :-)
    Awww! Thanks Lisa. Yes we are quite excited about the house. We go every night to see the progress. We have all the interior roof done and the interior walls upstairs now. I think on Monday the rest of the walls will be put in. Then they have to do all the tape and texture. And then starts the process to get all the interior ready. I can't wait to post more pics! I hope you have been well.