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The pace continues, Down 2 more pounds to 192

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It's been a regular pound-a-week process for me recently which is a lot slower than my early losses of course, but a loss is a loss. Only 4 pounds away from a number I never really thought would happen. I set my goal weight at a number when I was in the best shape of my life. That was when I was 17 yrs old in high school. To be honest I thought that possibly getting under 200 lbs would have been more than enough, but my new active lifestyle has made me want to achieve more. If you don't use a fitbit or some other of activity tracker I suggest you give it a try. It is a great source of motivation and a way to log and quantify your progress.
Happy Thanksgiving to all. Easy on the side dishes, heavy on the turkey.
Stay strong.

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  1. Davis165's Avatar
    Thank you for this post! Staying strong! You, too!! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!!
  2. Ann2's Avatar
    Mike, you're going to make your goal. This stuff still makes me so happy.

    BTW, I walked 4 miles today in the middle of a busy day. Steps today (recorded on my cell phone app) were 13,000.
  3. Aydensmomma's Avatar
    That's great! Congrats and happy turkey day!
  4. VSGSetyoufree's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Ann2
    Mike, you're going to make your goal. This stuff still makes me so happy.

    BTW, I walked 4 miles today in the middle of a busy day. Steps today (recorded on my cell phone app) were 13,000.

    Great job. Sometimes you get the most steps in on days when you are busy with other things