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Fat Girl Longing

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I long to sit in an airplane, buckle the belt, and pull the strap

I long to no longer see an X, XX, or and XXX after the 'large' on a clothing size

I long to go up the stairs and not feel like I climbed Mt Everest

I long to slide into a booth, and not have my muffin top accompany my coffee cup on the table

I long to look in the mirror and see my belly button

I long to throw one leg over the other when sitting down and cross my legs

I long to no longer avoid the amusement park I live THREE miles from and actually get on the rides with my kids

I long to stop avoiding the camera, wince when I get tagged in photos, or have to put the camera in JUST the right angle so just my face doesn't look quite as large

I long to stop using my kids as shields when I can't duck out of a photo

I long to stop avoiding the scale when I see the Dr, and stop avoiding the Dr altogether just because Im terrified of that scale

I long to close my Lane Bryant charge card for good, because I can't buy anything in there anymore.

I long to buy a Victoria Secrets bra

I long to stop wearing flip flops in inappropriate weather just because Im in a hurry and don't feel like stopping to actually put on shoes

I long to wear heels, for more than ten minutes

I long to stop wearing V necks..all...the...time

I long to keep both arm rests down in the movie theater...comfortably

I long to wear the bracelets I got as gifts

I long to wear the music festival t shirt I bought at the very largest MENS size they had and doesn't fit

I long to wear strappy sandals

I long be better example to my kids, especially my daughter....who at eight is already in the 90th percentile's with height and weight at each one of her pediatrician's visits, and already wears a size 7 woman's shoe.

I long to run, yes run.

I long to climb a rope

I long to learn how to surf

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  1. Fae's Avatar
    Good luck. You'll get there. Me too.
  2. Jiffy's Avatar
    I know you'll get all your wishes!
  3. Toopie2Seater's Avatar
    I like your list. This time next year I bet you'll have to make a brand new one, because you'll have accomplished all of those things. Best wishes to you and I hope you have this list written down and visible in your house. Check them off as you reach each one. Take full on before photos at different angles and measure each body part; it'll help you to truly see your progress along the way.
  4. Ann2's Avatar
    How wonderful that you have such clear goals. IMHO, that's very, very helpful.

    Best to you!
  5. lundbergmn's Avatar
    Oh this brings tears to my eyes! I had the same longings 2 years ago when I started out. At my heaviest I was 279 & 5'3. So I was round! I wore 3x scrubs & pjs & coats & shirts & size 26 jeans & a 8 1/2 w shoe. I'm 15 months out now & just bought a winter coat in a medium! And it's white!!! I never wore white when I was heavy!!! Too much to blind you w/ lol. My scrubs are size small as well as leggings & pjs & size 6 jeans! And I can wear knee high boots n an 8 regular! My feet even got smaller! I have yet to fly or go to the amusement park but I'm taking my son to animal kingdom next month for a day & I plan to ride every ride! The only bras I wear now are Victoria secret & panties too! I' greatful every day for the new smaller healthier me! You will get here!!! So excited for you to have started your journey! Good luck & keep me posted! Much love & hugs to you!!!!
  6. PITSTOP's Avatar
  7. MamaPope77's Avatar
    Love this! Thank you for taking the time to write this. It touched my heart and made me smile just knowing that I am not alone in this.
  8. Blessed2's Avatar
    Your list made me smile because I can relate. I had some of the same things on my list and can check them off now. No worries......YOU WILL GET THERE!
  9. ACE's Avatar
    Turn that longing into I WILL! You can do it just believe in yourself. I was where you are three years ago and Now here I am https://www.facebook.com/pages/Littl...79892972245285
    Keep believing and doing what you need to do to get there and it WILL happen!
  10. Browneyedbint's Avatar
    I really felt every word on your list ! This was me a year ago nearly and IT WILL HAPPEN! This journey is amazing and the things on your list that most people don't even think about are HUGE achievements..... Get that big red pen out because you'll be crossing out those items on that list before you know it ! Big hugs you'll be fine ! Xxxxx