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Another exercise NSV

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Yesterday I completed a 10k event. This is the furthest I've ever run in my life. I completed it in 1:09:04, just 9 minutes longer than it took me to do a 5k charity event that I walked in December 2012 just a couple of months after my surgery.

Over the next two months I have two more triathlon events (I've done two so far this summer) and another 10k and an 8k event (going to Amsterdam for this one). I am part of an online women's running community which I love being part of. I went to Zurich a few weeks ago and watched the coach and one of the other women do the Ironman - talk about inspiring! One of the things I noticed was that some of the people who finished the Ironman were not particularly thin - some were definitely somewhat overweight, so a perfect goal weight is not necessary for us to be healthy!

I am hoping to start half-marathon training for a race at the end of this year, and am considering doing a marathon next year.

I'm so thrilled at how healthy and strong my body has become - how well it has recovered from more than a decade of obesity. I continue to be amazed at what the surgery has given back to me.

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  1. Terps's Avatar
    Amazing and so inspiring!!! I am trying to run. Even when I was lean and in excellent shape, I had a hard time running. So I'm starting slow, not overdoing it, and trying to enjoy it.

    There are Rock n roll marathons across the country. They do half marathons and half a half. There's one in Vegas on the Strip at night. That sounds like such a blast!

    Keep it up!!!! And I'd live to hear how you got started and built up your endurance.
  2. niamh's Avatar
    It was really slow, and I'm still relatively slow now compared to other runners but I don't care because I'm doing it! I joined an online running coaching site for women and did their 5k course last spring, then repeated it the spring just gone. I wasn't regular at first so made only modest progress, and I got runner's knee at an event late last year running when I hadn't been training regularly. Now I run 3 or 4 times a week usually (and/or some bike and swim training) but initially it was slow slow slow, and involved lots of mixing of walking and running. I think I've written about it in a few of my more recent blog entries since my weight stabilised and I don't have much to say about weight and eating.

    The website for the running community is Up & Running | Running e-courses for women | Stop dreaming, start running!
  3. Ckruts's Avatar
    Thanks for sharing the website! I am running my first 5K next month and am signed up for the 10K at Disney Marathon Week in Walt Disney World in January. I'm so excited!! I've been using the Couch to 5K training (restarted it after some time off due to traveling) and will switch to the Couch to 10K training app soon.