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Throat Pain 10 days out

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Hello family. I need some feedback from the veteran sleevers concerning discomfort in my throat. I’m about 10 days post op and for the most part things are going very well. At my post op doctor’s visit she gave me the all clear to move to soft foods (i.e. refried beans, eggs). The problem I’m having is it feels like the food is getting stuck in my throat when I swallow. I make sure I chew (and chew and chew) but I still get this discomfort. It even happens sometimes when I drink my protein shakes. Someone please tell me this too shall pass and this is not permanent. This morning I had maybe two bites of scrambled eggs and I had to stop because of the pain. Is this normal?

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  1. teresattt1's Avatar
    I am 9 months out. I had that and ended up at the doctor. Mine was tonsil stones. It felt greatttt all of them coming out. But it may just b the food. I had a really hard time with chicken. I hope u can get it all better. Sending u positive thoughts.
  2. SharBear's Avatar
    Hi, I just started pureed food on Thursday. i had no problems with the liquid diet including jello and sf pudding actually thought i was eating "drinking" more then i should have been. now that i am on pureed i get chest discomfort and the feeling of my throat filling up kinda. i don't feel the restrition but i am feeling the pains so i figure its time to stop usually at 3-4 ounces
  3. hersheygurl007's Avatar
    Just a suggestion, slow down. Take smaller bites and chew more. I had this issue with the eggs and also tuna. I'm still on soft foods but, when I was feeling that way I learned that I was still going to fast and had to slow it down, even with the drinking. You said you don't feel restriction. That's the restriction your feeling in your throat and chest telling you to slow down. Try it you'll be ok.
    Good Luck.
  4. SarahBear's Avatar
    I had the feeling of food being stuck in my throat, and it was acid reflux. I didn't have any heartburn, but apparently I had acid reflux. My surgeon prescribed reglan to take three times a day, and now the feeling is gone! Good luck.