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Question about Crystal Lite...

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I've had a hard time getting all the water in, so drink A LOT of diluted Crystal Lite! So...
1. Do any of you think it makes a diff in weight loss using it vs. plain water? 2. Any health concerns using artificial sweetner (aspartame) day after day?

Now that I think about it...the 2nd question is kinda stupid for me because I drank diet coke just about every day of my life without a thought for my health

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  1. thenewmetoday's Avatar
    I use crystal lite sometimes. Not sure about health issues with artificial sweetener. Not recommended I suppose but, as you said we have been using it before and toes did not drop off. Maybe just use sparingly. There are other products on the market, hope you hear from others with more info.
  2. LoraG's Avatar
    At my hospital they give you crystal lite post-op because most people have a hard time drinking plain water post-op. The water goes down easier and quicker when it's flavored. If the hospital says it's good enough, it works for me!

    Ever since I cam home I use the Dasani, Mio or Crystal Light drops, I like it better than the powder.
  3. Jeni Cerone's Avatar
    I agree with LoraG
  4. jtayse's Avatar
    My nutritionist said it's ok if you dilute it.
  5. WaywardSmiles's Avatar
    Aspartame has been linked to neurologic disorders involving myelin sheath around nerve fibers. I get headaches when I drink anything with Crystal Light, but my sister drinks 64 ounces of it everyday. there are tons of chemicals in the foods we eat-so I woudn't worry unless it/something bothers you. There are many other sweeteners out there (agave, stevia), but who knows what we will discover about those in twenty years...
    sorry-I sound like doom and gloom! Our bodies/genetics are all different in how they process things we put in. Again, if something gives you trouble-avoid it, if not-enjoy it!
    Best wishes...
  6. curlyme's Avatar
    My surgeon said crystal light was fine--there are so many flavors too! He just wants me to be sure to get in 64 oz a day...I am post op day 3 and Im drinking protein shakes already and they count towards my fluid intake!
    I can walk around the house now!
  7. LisaI's Avatar
    At the risk of sounding preachy.... Let me say this.... After going through what we have, why would anyone voluntarily drink a chemical crap storm like crystal light or mio?

    I drink water with a little lemon or orange
  8. Anissa Christine's Avatar
    I drink Powerade Zero and I LOVE it. But I also drink at least 100 ounces of water day
  9. jshawhill's Avatar
    I am almost 7 weeks out. Since surgery plain water makes me gagi just cannot get it down. I squirt a small amount of Mio in my water just for flavoring. I don't like it too tart or sweet, so just a little will do. My surgeon said it was fine. I have lost 34.2 lbs so apparently Mio must be okay. I drink Crystal Light as well. People are so quick to denounce crystal light and Mio based on studies they have read or seen on TV, but I have not heard of one person who has lost an eye, finger, or their mind because they drank too much Crystal Light or Mio. Lindmar drink your Crystal Light.
  10. lindmar's Avatar
    Thanks everyone! I think I will try to broaden my horizon It's so hot out today I'm going to make some sun tea with lemon & work on that for the next day or two.
  11. bestnester's Avatar
    Drinking fluids is a crucial part of recovery and weight loss, so if crystal light helps you get more down go for it! I fluctuate between loving ice water and then hating it and only drinking crystal light. I make big pitchers of it and have it ready to go for anytime drinks!
  12. dusti42878's Avatar
    I like the flavors...it helps me get the water down better. I am 4 weeks out and have been dehydrated so I'm trying anything to avoid the hospital.