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Eating Out!

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Today, I had no choice but to eat out, as my husband and I were traveling. I had a couple ounces of grilled salmon and baby carrots (smashed up). I couldn't help but look at my husband's chicken strips and think "Man, I used to be able to eat every one of those and some. I sure do miss that." My husband, seeing that I was eyeballing his food, asked what I was thinking. I told him there was a fat girl inside me crying for his chicken strips. He gave me "the look." I told him "oh, don't worry! The skin girl just bitch-slapped the mess out of her!" Lol. I'm tryingnd as much humor in this as possible. I'm still mourning the days when I had no control. Don't know how long this will last. Have a great day everyone!

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  1. Jeanie's Avatar
    My fat girl misses it also! But my skinny girl is getting stronger and healthier so she wins out every time! Hahaha! Good luck on your journey! Pretty soon our fat girls will be a memory!
  2. speedracer's Avatar
    Love your humor! You have a great outlook! TODAY, YOU ARE IN CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. aboutime4me's Avatar
    I look at food and it appeals but when I eat it, I only have a few bites and I'm both satisfied and full. I can't physically eat what I used. to. Does this bother me? Not in the least. I was not really ever bothered, but for the first months post surgery it was an adjustment in mindset.
    The bottom line for me is that my sleeve surgery has for the first time in my 54 yrs on this earth given me real FREEDOM from all things "food." I am no longer the slave of food. I am in control...I have no real hunger either since the day of surgery. Amen! Alleluia!
  4. AnnMarie's Avatar
    LOL... love it