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Conversation Between ranchersdaughter and GoofySpice

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19 Visitor Messages

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  1. Happy Anniversary surgery Sister !!! 2 yrs now Woot-Woot!!! Hope all is well. Wanna hear something funny? Now that shopping for clothes is easier and way funner...I move away to wear a clothes shopaholic would commit suicide
  2. Happy Anniversary surgery Sister !!! ONE YEAR AGO TODAY (4-11-11). In fact as I write this...pacific coast time I was being wheeled into the Surgery Room. Since surgery date I have lost 92 lbs. Since starting the journey in Jan 2011 its a loss of 115lbs. But from my over all highest weight EVER its a loss of 123 lbs. 123lbs!!! Shoot that's what I should weigh. I have 41 more lbs to go - to not be considered overweight. I will have to go a few pounds lighter than that to incorporate the natural ups and downs of maintaining a proper weight. So Hope all is lighter with you
  3. Hello my friend... ya sometimes still get freaked out by how much i can eat but then i turn around and get full on a freakin yogurt... go figure. Thanksgiving doesn't freak me out since i usually don't eat that much... i learned that turkey lesson early on ... but it only works on thanksgiving . Since surgery i have lost 64 lbs...87 since start of 2011.the pounds are barley coming off but I am okay so far with that. I did just have a big loss of 6.5 lbs... but thats due to a breast reduction...HAY 4.5 lbs gone on 11-29-11. So once again my belly is bigger than my boobs... for now Still just 1-2 lbs shy of onederland... I know if i can cross that barrier I will be re-motivated/inspired to shed more of the lbs. Glad your doing well and I am glad to see you have picked up dancing again...ha,ha I thought you liked em taller than you
  4. Hi beautiful!! How are you doing??? I've lost somewhere around 70 lbs. I was wearing a size 7 and will now have to go to a size 5. I haven't lost any weight, but evidently the inches are shrinking!!! How are you doing? Still concerned about how much you can eat? How is your weight loss? Are you having problems with heartburn or acid reflux? I would love to hear from you! What are your plans for Thanksgiving ans do you have concerns about not being able to eat as much as we used to?
  5. Hello beautiful!!! Isn't it crazy????? How much have you lost so far? Right at 70 lbs for me. I'm wearing a size 7 slim jeans!!!! Unheard of in my lifetime!!!!! I even bought some thigh high boots for the first time. I feel and look fantastic. I still throw up quite often, I think maybe I just eat too fast. How aboyt you???? How is everything?????
  6. So seven month surgiversary yesterday. Woot-Woot!!! How time flies!!!
  7. Holy Cow this stall is horrrrible. grrrrr I have little to no progress going on 2 months now (4lbs).
    Hopefully now that I have complained ... maybe I will catch a BREAK
    how goes it for you???
  8. hey Surg Sistah... I might have gone over board with some tuff luv on my last thread... I know you will understand it from past conversation oh and on a personal note. guess who got hit on at a bar 2 nites ago??
  9. Rofl!!! Well.....my hooker boots were being polished........
  10. Howdy corset lover... ha,ha,ha.
    Just a bit of advice... to really rock that corset don't wear running shoes with it!!!! Or is that survival gear... running from all the guys
  11. Wow... super crazy that's exactly what is happening for me right now!!! I feel so much better knowing we are doing the same. I need to get exercising regularly also... I fell out of doing it just before surgery due to a twisted ankle. How is your food intake, hunger...ect...?? I seem to eat more on the normal side which is scaring the you know what out of me. I like it for the water consumption but I just noticed that two days ago I was able to eat the entire fillet of tilapia where as I use to cut the fillet in 1/2 (making it 1/4 of a tilapia). Perhaps I am being too critical due to the 3 wk plateau. (hope so)
  12. Hey Lady! I'm doing good! Hit a plateau.....mmmm....I reckon about 3 weeks so far, but it seems to be normal from everything I read so I'm not even worrying about it. Just plugging along! I really really really need to start exercising, like on a routine.

    How are you doing???
  13. Hello my surgery sister!!!
    I am doing a 100% better than a month ago. Hit a plateau but I am not sweatin it ...YET. How goes everything with you???
  14. I feel like I haven't eaten anything in 4 days. I just keep trying to remember to drink my water and my Dr said yogurt Is good so I try to get a few bites down.
  15. just got back home an hour ago. I feel 100% better than tuesday thats for sure. Nervous about not have the IV for fluids i just wasn't able to get alot down in the hospital. How about you.. more details please also much better pic
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