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Conversation Between hipposrock and reading mom

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4 Visitor Messages

  1. Thank you so much!! I didn't realize that kale even had a season! Hopefully soon!
  2. I looked for kale at the store and they said it is out of season. I guess we have to wait till kale season. I wonder when that is?
  3. Okay, here you go, Enjoy!

    Kale Chips

    2 heads kale washed and torn
    1/4 cup olive oil
    1/4 cup soy sauce
    1/4 cup vinegar (I use part balsamic part apple cider)
    Juice of 1 lemon
    2 TBS Dijon mustard
    2 cloves garlic pressed
    1/2 tsp Tony's (creole seasoning)
    1/2 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
    1/4 cup nutritional yeast (optional)

    Make dressing. Toss with kale. Massage in. Put on trays. Dehydrate for 2 hours on highest setting. Check often, time varies widely!!!
  4. The kale chips sound wonderful!! I would love your recipe for them and I have a dehydrator. Tuesday the 23rd is my surgery and I'm trying hard not to get to nervous but I'm also very excited!! Thanks
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