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Conversation Between CharlieFarley and Ann2

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3 Visitor Messages

  1. Sounds busy!
    I'm in the UK with my wife and two daughters. With the girls at school in England, my wife working in China and me constantly flying around to see them all when I can, it is a rarity that we're all in the same country together! But fantastic when it happens!
    Continued best wishes with everything to do with the oncologist. I hope there is positive news soon. That really would be a brilliant Christmas present.
  2. Thanks, Charlie, for your good, good wishes for us. It turns out his meeting with the oncologist is scheduled for tomorrow, not today. And my message was unintentionally misleading in that he has four more chemo treatments scheduled (through the end of March) before we can realistically hope for a "full remission" verdict. But we're both optimistic and open to any ahead-of-schedule miracles the universe wants to throw at us. Because what have we got to lose?

    BTW, we're having such a great day / night here. Hubby's daughter, a granddaughter, and a grandson have all come to visit us. We are laughing and eating birthday cake (four December birthdays in the group) and listening to their career plans and moves and making future travel plans. It's a wonderful time.
  3. Hi Ann.
    hope you and your husband got the best possible news today.
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