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Conversation Between lindmar and sunnyjill

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2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Sunny - I should say that probably everyone heals at a different rate & probably stitches can vary by surgeon. My doc in MX said to take them out between 7 to 10 days. I wouldn't if they were still gooey or anything. I had 4 stitches - 2 were tied off on the outside, so I snipped the tie leaving short trailing threads. I couldn't find the ties on the other 2 stitches (maybe they came undone or something), but they also had trailing threads. So I gently pulled the threads out of my body. It didn't hurt, but it did feel weird! One was especially stubborn, but the incision seemed healed enough so I just pulled harder until it came out. Don't jerk, just apply steady pressure. If you don't feel up to doing yourself, do you have any medical type friends or family to help? Or maybe see your doc or go to a walk-in clinic. They probably wouldn't charge much. Good luck!
  2. Can you tell me how you took your stitches out? My day is coming soon.... the 24th of this month. From another post I saw you took yours out on day 8 yourself. Ideas, please
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