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Conversation Between ltlsqueak and bmi31

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2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi ltlsqueak - thank you for your post! I really appreciate it! Honestly, I don't care about the scars - it's not like I'm going to be wearing a bikini! However, if there's a way to help them along so they're not that noticeable then who knows, I might end up wearing a bikini one day! I love this site and eternally grateful for all the support and information! Thank you!
  2. Hi I have been a member of this site for over a year and everyone is wonderful! My heaviest was 347 and I'm about 10 days away from my first year anniversary and I go from 219 to 222. I actually had the bypass because my surgeon strongly recommended it for numerous reasons. Same incisions, diet, and recovery time. I wouldn't change a thing; however, I respect everyone's decision and this site helped me in enormous ways!!! If I'm not mistaken you were asking about the five incision scares. You can barely tell mine are here. I'm not sure if anyone's ever posted a pic, but I'm willing to show you mine. I say that so freely because I wish someone had shown me theirs because I was scared like you cannot imagine! My surgery was easier than a c-section and back surgery combined. I won't ramble on, but I'm here if you need me for anything. Best of luck to you along your journey!!!
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