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Conversation Between Tuliptwy and Ms.lovely65

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3 Visitor Messages

  1. I'm soo happy for you. Pls let me know how it turns out. I'm busy exercising so I can get close to goal before surgery. Lol
  2. Hi Donna. I'm going with Dr. Niebles, although he's moved offices again. Dr. Lara (I believe) is in the same office where Dr. Niebles was. I've heard great things about both, having seen the work Dr. Niebles does (and talking with Christy), I've decided to go with him. I'm having a belt lipectomy, breast aug/lift and butt lift. I go in 10 days. Pretty excited, and scared. Just par for the course.
  3. Hello. Did you have plastic surgery yet. I'm trying to decide between dr. Niebles and Lara. What r u thoughts. I need guidance. Thks. You look great !
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