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  1. 4 weeks post op today and 1 day post op gallbladder removal

    So I survived my 2 nd surgery in a month. No nausea after anesthesia this time so that was great!! However I was in so much pain...they gave me dilaudid and morphine before I felt relief. Then my O2 was dropping because I was on so much meds. Then the nausea came from meds. Finally nausea was better and I was able to go home. It surprised me how much inscion pain I have compared to the sleeve. My dr did use two of the same spots for this surgery. Plus last time I was in more pain swallowing and ...
  2. 3 week update

    Things have been going well. Except for my stupid gallbladder...that's coming out on Wednesday 👎 I'm able to eat yogurt and beans and that helps me not crave other foods!! I especially love string cheese right now. As of today I've lost 16 lbs since surgery. Most days I'm walking 2 miles in the morning after dropping my kids off at school. I was looking forward to getting back to Bootcamp, but that's going to be pushed back due to gallbladder surgery!!! This is my first weekend with plans ...
  3. 6 days and hanging in there

    So it's been 6 days. It feels more like a month. I'm surprised how much I'm craving food. I had a check up with the np yesterday. I've been miserable with pain after swallowing and nausea. Thank goodness she switched a lot of my meds!!! Now I'm taking librax for the spasms and reglan for nausea and Demerol for any pain. She also let me start drinking protein shakes 2 days early!!! I was suffering too much on clear liquids. Tomorrow I can have smoothies and sun will start things like yogurt and applesauce. ...
  4. I am sleeved!!!

    Still in hospital and a teeny bit groggy. Pain is really not to bad. I have already eaten two whole Popsicles and about 15 med cups of water and LOTS of ice. I've walked three times all around. My surgery was postponed by almost 3 hrs because my surgeon was that late 😡 But it's over now. The worst part was my mom could only see around 45 min before she had to leave to start picking up my kids from school. So I've been alone sleeping on and off. The nurses and care is amazing and I'm looking ...
  5. One week!!

    So my surgery is in a week!! Time is moving both fast and slow. I did all my pre op stuff today at surgery center. Everything was good to go. Just have to wait until next week to find out my time for surgery. I'm excited to meet the other patients who are scheduled for surgery the sane day as me. So far there are four others. The nurse told me that my kids could come to hospital, but since I'm only spending one night I'd rather them just stay with my mom. That's all for now, I'm hoping to post my ...
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