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  1. Having quite the time...

    I have a hard time throwing some things away. This weight I am down is not one of those things. Being nearly 100 pounds down in 4 months, nothing fits anymore. I went and dug out some of my clothes from "back in the day", I like to use the excuse that it is close to Halloween and I am looking for costumes...anyway, I have gone from "I can't wear these 46" waist jeans to being able to wear some of my old 38" pants. Pants that I was wearing some 25 years ago. When those suckers ...
  2. 2 weeks out FEELING GOOD!

    Things have been crazy and not able to do much on my own, but getting much better. Since surgery I got rid of 20 pounds for a total now of 82 pounds total since mid May! Loving it, so much more energy...able to walk without losing my breathe, some of my BP medications are already cut in half or more. My BP is down from the occasional 190/100 down to 103/50!
    First day post op was rough, kept up with the pain meds...nursing staff was awesome at ECMC making sure I was as comfortable I could ...
  3. Today is the day...

    in a few mere hours I will be headed for the OR!!
  4. No more counting months,

    no more counting days....it's hour counting time....24 hours and I will be loading up in the car for the two hour trip to the hospital for my sleeve! Oi
  5. The excitement is rising....

    It's about 3 months now, my how time has flown by, that I started my journey. Surgery is in just a few days. I finally started informing a few friends and family what was going on. For the most part all have been supportive. All helpers for post op are set. My St. Bernard is going off to a babysitter...after a week, she isn't going to recognize me! LOL...Pre-op weight loss so far is a crazy 47 pounds...80ish to go! LIver reduction diet is going well, only a couple days that I was craving anything, ...
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