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  1. Pre Op Diet

    I am currently on a meal replacement diet required by my physician two weeks before the surgery. I must say this is by far the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I've developed a terrible headache and I'm sure it's from not eating like by body is use to. I am trying not to think about eating, but this is hard. Anyone else experience this withdrawl from the pre op diet?
  2. Nervous and Scared

    Nervous and Scared
    I have been anticipating the surgery for quite some time now and I only have 14 days to go. I am scared and nervous at the same time. I pray everything goes fine and I know that afterwards I will be on my way to a new and healthier me. I worry that I may stay sick and vomit a lot and maybe in a lot of pain. Is there anyone else that may have had these same emotions?