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  1. Stopping back in..

    So its been a while since iv been on here.. hmm lets see
    I seen my Nut on 2/3 and spent 2 hours with her talking about everything I needed to know before surgery.. I see my psyc one more time and now have my letter of clearance, iv done my sleep study oh yeah and I have my appointment to see the surgeon on March 3rd! just counting down the days till I meet him and find out when I can have surgery. All of my pre approval boxes are marked and im ready to do this im ready for the pounds to start ...
  2. finally!!!

    today was a super exciting day I finally went and met with the nutritionist what told me everything I was doing was right on track. everybody knows your house scale is different from the scales that are the doctors office. when I first started with all the appointments I weighed in at 308.5 lbs...when I went for weigh in today I have lost 16 pounds for my pre-op and just one month Plus the additional .5I literally started to dance on the CL I could not believe that in just 1 month I had lost ...
  3. Feeling loved!

    So after hitting a disappointing plateau for a week and a half I sat down and though of things I needed to do to break it... then is dawned on me... Why way my weight slowly increasing... duh I had not taken my diuretic medication at all in January.... I retain fluid and I have more than doubled my intake... so I spent more of my day yesterday running to a bathroom to pee.. and running to replenish my water... jumping on the scale this morning made me scream for joy... Sunday morning I was 303 ...
  4. is it okay to cry?

    im thinking maybe its just today that im feeling some type of way... I just want to cry...

    I just finished at my pulmonologist... hmmm now I have to go to do a sleep study.. I really don't want to because I have a hard time sleeping in other peoples beds... and TMI.. I have to actually wear clothes to sleep.. I cant sleep in clothes I feel restricted.. but I hope it all goes fast and I will make myself extra tired that day just so I make myself fall asleep.. I guess I wont be getting ...
  5. just want to scream

    iv done it iv hit a plateau... ugh I hate this.. I was doing great the first 2 weeks of the month down 10lb and now I cant seem to drop the last 6... iv done everything iv cut back on food portions more walking everyday, exercising... burning more calories then im eating and my body wont move.. idk what to do I have 10 days to reach my goal of 16 lbs before I go see my NUT. Please if you have any recommendations or tip to get over this I would really appreciate it. because at this point ...
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