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Grateful for a good insurance plan and other things

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I'm waiting to hear that I'm ready to move on and see the surgeon. I'm a little anxious. My husband suggested that I check our insurance plan's website. I've never really felt the need before. My insurance is really a great plan. I've never been refused treatment before. And since it's an HMO, I never see a bill.

So I went on to fish around and see if the surgical group submitted a pre-authorization for the WLS. I didn't find one and I suppose it's probably premature. I haven't actually discussed the options with the surgeon. And I'm pretty sure there won't be a problem with getting approval.

So with the weekend coming I am getting more and more anxious. I'm looking forward to meeting my surgeon, I just wish I had a date. Grrrrr!!

Sorry for the rambling. Just a little anxious.

But, wow, I am amazed of the costs so far. On my initial visit for a small group session, we all had blood drawn. The cost for the analysis was $2,600. The insurance paid $475. Wow, just wow. But, it's probably the most detailed analysis that has ever been done on my blood. And through that test I found out I was b12 deficient.

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  1. Rox's Avatar
    A good insurance plan that will pay for your surgery is a wonderful thing - now you just have to convince them to approve you
  2. aanderson's Avatar
    I haven't met my surgeon yet, I meet him next week (Thursday) and I am so excited! I know exactly how you feel, no date set yet but you want it already...I am feeling the same way. It felt like it would take forever, but now it is less than a week away and I will know a lot more about when the surgery will actually happen. Good luck!
  3. PipperMarrow's Avatar
    Hi Lady, I hope it goes smoothly. I have great insurance, but I will still be out of pocket about three grand which I am totally not complaining at all. Before I got this Insurance I would have been self pay. My Insurance did not barely cover any of of their initial tests like stress test, sleep study, nutritional class, etc. however my surgeon did not require me to pay it. I'm not sure how that works but was told I would never get a bill for the pretesting.

    I have my fingers crossed you get approved. Usually if the surgeon doesn't think you will be they will tell you about self pay so you don't waste your time, but that is probably not all surgeons.

    I will be sleeved on 8/13 and now that I have a date, I have gained five pounds because I'm freaking out! lol But next week I will be low carbing and practicing to prepare before the liquid diet.

    Congrats on passing all the hurdles!